Ares was the Greek god of war. #History #Ares #GreekMythology #GreekWarfare
#greekwarfare #greekmythology #ares #History
Thermopylae is a mountain pass near the sea in northern Greece which was the site of several battles in antiquity, the most famous being that between Persians and Greeks in August 480 BCE. #History #GorgoofSparta #GreekWarfare #Hoplite
#hoplite #greekwarfare #gorgoofsparta #History
A Peltast was a type of Greek infantryman who was usually armed with a javelin and who carried a light shield. #History #GreekWarfare #Hoplite #Marathon
#marathon #hoplite #greekwarfare #History
A Peltast was a type of Greek infantryman who was usually armed with a javelin and who carried a light shield. #History #GreekWarfare #Hoplite #Marathon
#marathon #hoplite #greekwarfare #History
The Roman army fought many conflicts throughout its long history, though perhaps none so indelible as the Pyrrhic War from 280 to 275 BCE. #History #GreekWarfare #Pyrrhus #RomanArmy
#romanarmy #pyrrhus #greekwarfare #History
The Trireme (Greek: triērēs) was the devastating warship of the ancient Mediterranean with three banks of oars. #History #ArtemisiaIofCaria #BattleofSalamis #GreekWarfare
#greekwarfare #battleofsalamis #artemisiaiofcaria #History
A Peltast was a type of Greek infantryman who was usually armed with a javelin and who carried a light shield. #History #GreekWarfare #Hoplite #Marathon
#marathon #hoplite #greekwarfare #History
The Battle of Salamis was a naval battle between Greek and Persian forces in the Saronic Gulf, Greece in September 480 BCE. #History #Aristides #BattleofSalamis #GreekWarfare
#greekwarfare #battleofsalamis #aristides #History
The Battle on the plain of Marathon in September 490 BCE between Greeks and the invading forces of Persian king Darius I (r. #History #BattleofSalamis #DariusI #GreekWarfare
#greekwarfare #dariusi #battleofsalamis #History
The history of the second Persian war as presented in most of the modern literature is solely based on Herodotus' Histories. #History #Aristides #BattleofSalamis #GreekWarfare
#greekwarfare #battleofsalamis #aristides #History
The history of the second Persian war as presented in most of the modern literature is solely based on Herodotus' Histories. #Aristides #BattleofSalamis #GreekWarfare #History
#History #greekwarfare #battleofsalamis #aristides
The Battle of Plataea was a land battle between Greeks and Persians near the small town of Plataea in Boeotia in 479 BCE. #Aristides #GreekWarfare #PausaniasGeneral #History
#History #pausaniasgeneral #greekwarfare #aristides
The Sacred Band of Thebes was an elite unit of the Theban army comprised of 150 gay male couples totaling 300 men. They were formed under the leadership of Gorgidas but first achieved fame under the general Pelopidas. They remained invincible from 378-338 BCE when the entire troop fell together at the Battle of Chaeronea. #BattleofChaeronea #BattleofLeuctra #GreekWarfare
#greekwarfare #battleofleuctra #battleofchaeronea