Unlocking happiness with timeless wisdom from Greek philosophers! 💡 Embrace self-reflection (Socrates), conquer fears (Plato), and take responsibility for happiness (Aristotle). Embrace change (Heraclitus), stay true to yourself (Pythagoras), and shape your mindset (Marcus Aurelius). 🏛️✨ #GreekWisdom #HappinessGuide #PhilosophyMatters 🍃
🌐 Source: https://go.digitalengineer.io/JH
#greekwisdom #happinessguide #philosophymatters
I wanna say how hard it is to exist in a country in the throes of mass delusion. You may know what is true, but others (even those with education) have chosen to deny the truth, whether due to their own inner sense of superiority they’ve never properly dealt with or outright greed.
Healthcare here is turning more and more into the For Profit motive when at it’s heart, healthcare is supposed to be about caring for others. But how can you properly care for others when you are obsessed with money? You do not.
So, we drift further and further away from the greek maxim of Do No Harm. To the point where political organizations who know they’re harming vulnerable people will name their org The Hippocrates Oath Organization.
It’s madness making. Infuriating. Community breaking. And ultimately death-bringing.
It is meant to weaken the American populace, and ultimately install those who only have their own selfish interests in mind.
Put the care back in Healthcare.
#healthcare #greekwisdom #DoNoHarm #covid