Kudos to the #OpenScience Working Group at #ConcordiaUniversity for its strong recommendations, including a #RightsRetention #OpenAccess policy.
At p. 5: "Concordia should…further the development of copyright support through an institutionally supported
rights retention strategy, which can support green open access and diversify how
research can be made openly accessible."
#repositories #ir #greenOA #canada #openaccess #rightsretention #concordiauniversity #OpenScience
New study: In German #universities, the factor most affecting the growth of #GreenOA is "disciplinary profile". #Infrastructure & services "turned out to be non-significant."
"[Our analysis] hints that the original function of institutional repositories, offering a channel for secondary publishing is vanishing, while a new function of aggregation of metadata & full texts is becoming of increasing importance."
#repositories #ir #Germany #disciplines #infrastructure #greenOA #universities
Don't be mislead by the title:
"Can Open Access be Made More Affordable?"
In this article, #OA means #APC-based OA. The authors don't consider or even mention green or diamond OA, which charge no APCs.
Yes, it's good to explore ways to make APCs more affordable. But it's myopic to do that without comparing them to well-established ways to deliver no-APC OA.
#openaccess #greenOA #diamondoa #APC #oa
@strypey @DrPlanktonguy
1. Fed-funded authors can publish in high-impact subscription (non-OA) journals and pay no #APCs. Their work will still be #OpenAccess through the funder's designated repository.
2. Some no-fee OA journals (#DiamondOA) are already high-impact and the number grows steadily.
3. Some high-impact journals will charge no APCs and still allow #unembargoed #GreenOA (as required by the #OSTP policies). An important example is @ScienceMagazine.
#OSTP #greenOA #unembargoed #diamondoa #openaccess #APCs
@strypey @DrPlanktonguy
Under the #OSTP guidelines, covered works must be deposited in designated repositories (#GreenOA). This is compatible with publishing in OA journals (#GoldOA). But gold OA (with or without #APCs) is not necessary & not sufficient.
Compliance with the #OpenAccess policies is free of charge. If a journal charges an APC to pub an author’s fed-funded research, the fee is to pub in that particular journal, not to comply with the policy. Authors always have no-fee options.
#openaccess #APCs #goldoa #greenOA #OSTP
New study: "The average proportion of #OpenAccess publications in European countries is significantly higher (39.07%) than the world average (30.16%), with a clear inclination [toward] the #GreenOA route (79.41%) compared to the #GoldOA route (52.30%). Most European research #funders and institutions [#universities] have required researchers to make OA available for their research findings."
#paywalled #universities #funders #goldoa #greenOA #openaccess
New study: "While the [APC-based] gold regime seems the most natural way to achieve #OpenAccess…a massive move towards the gold regime would generate an explosion in the amount of APC unless there are controls to limit market power…[It may also] create conflicts of interest for pubs [b/c] their income comes from authors & may alter the quality of publications.The green regime… seems an efficient way to reduce market power while expanding access."
#greenOA #goldoa #APCs #openaccess
New study: "About half of all preliminary behavioral interventions go unpublished, and those appearing in the published literature are not functionally different than those that go unpublished. Researchers conducting preliminary behavioral interventions should consider sharing unpublished findings on open-source platforms to maximize the fields’ ability to learn from their work."
#medicine #greenOA #repositories #openaccess
21/ OA for AI summaries is desirable in at least two cases: (1) when the primary sources are paywalled and (2) when the reader wants to skim.
In the first case, note that deposit of the full-text primary source in an OA #repository (#GreenOA) is better than OA to an AI summary. At least that would support studying not just skimming. But of course full-text green OA is entirely compatible with OA for AI summaries.
Interesting proposal. Too bad it's #paywalled.
Should the UK replace journals with a REF repository?
#greenOA #repositories #ref #journals #uk #paywalled
See the #BOAI20, Recommendations 3 & 3.7: "We recommend moving away from article processing charges (#APCs). Viable alternatives have long existed, but they are systematically under-noticed, under-discussed, under-appreciated, under-funded, and under-used…Shifting resources from APC-based OA to #green & #diamond OA will enfranchise more voices in global research without reducing the quality or openness of research."
#diamond #green #boai #diamondoa #greenOA #APCs #BOAI20
Lopsided assumption: "For many in scholarly communications… flipping a [journal] to #gold #OpenAccess remains the ultimate victory."
That's true for some in #ScholComm. But it's not true for many others, especially if the flipped journal would charge #APCs. A growing number of us want to move away from #APCs and take better advantage of #green and #diamond OA. See for example the #BOAI20.
#greenOA #goldoa #BOAI20 #diamond #green #APCs #scholcomm #openaccess #gold
The U.S. Repository Network (#USRN) just released its guidelines on Desirable Characteristics of Digital
Publication #Repositories.
This is in time to influence US federal funding agencies in picking the "designated repositories" to host #OpenAccess copies of articles arising from federally funded research.
#OAintheUSA #greenOA #green #openaccess #repositories #usrn
🛑Rapport d'activité 2022 du CCSD, très clair, à lire notamment pour prendre la mesure de la diversité des projets et enjeux côté "backoffice" de la Science Ouverte
#openscience #openaccess #greenOA #epirevues #HAL #overlayjournals #metadata #researchdata #PID
#openscience #openaccess #greenOA #epirevues #hal #OverlayJournals #metadata #researchdata #pid
(2) #DeltaThink estimates that the APC "market is on target to be over $2bn in 2024."
That money is unavailable to support #OpenAccess in other ways, such as #green OA, no-fee (#diamond) OA journals, and #OpenInfrastructure.
#greenOA #diamondoa #green #openinfrastructure #diamond #openaccess #deltathink
#JAMA doesn't make its articles #OpenAccess. But under a new policy, it allows #authors to do so, through any OA #repository, with no #embargo and no #fee (#APC).
#greenOA #green #APC #fee #embargo #repository #authors #openaccess #jama
The new #NIH plan for #OpenAccess is excellent: it doubles down on #GreenOA and sets an example for all agencies on how to do #OAintheUSA. No need to do APCs.
* allows any "type of business model"
* "clarify the official date of publication to be when the article is first published"
* "make publications available without embargo" on PMC
* "language that NIH-supported investigators may use for submission with their peer-reviewed manuscripts to journals to retain rights"
#nih #openaccess #greenOA #OAintheUSA
📚🌱 #GreenOA fördern: Das OA-Rechte-Tool der #EZBib 🚥 hilft dabei, Publikationen aus der eigenen Einrichtung zu finden, die für eine #Zweitveröffentlichung geeignet sind. 🤓 Mehr im Blog von @dini 👇 https://doi.org/10.57689/dini-blog.20230227
#greenOA #EZBib #zweitveroffentlichung
@rmounce Lens and Dimensions were already cited so I'll add BASE, which gets to about 10k out of 30k when considering both CC BY and CC BY-NC-ND according to CrossRef.
Only about 1000 more articles are archived as CC BY on repositories (many are probably duplicates), and overall just 50 % are "bright archived" according to the #InternetArchive.
Maybe CUP found vast troves of #GreenOA we don't know about!
@missemilielib How is the #GreenOA option being removed?
The answer is to rely on copyright law, ignore copyright so-called policies.