Happy first day of summer, Northern Hemisphere! If you're ready to get your hands dirty, why not start a #ClimateVictoryGarden? Everything you need to know from #GreenAmerica: https://www.greenamerica.org/climate-victory-gardens
#Gardening #UrbanGardening #UrbanGarden #VictoryGarden #GrowYourOwnFood #SustainableLiving #ClimateCrisis #ActOnClimate
#climatevictorygarden #greenamerica #gardening #urbangardening #UrbanGarden #victorygarden #growyourownfood #sustainableliving #ClimateCrisis #ActOnClimate
Is Congress going to use the Congressional Review Act to expose retirement accounts to greater risks?! I support the Department of Laborโs Prudence and Loyalty in Selecting Plan Investments and Exercising Shareholder Rights rule.ย Retirement plans should be able to consider how the climate crisis and other risks, like unethical business practices, cd hurt retirement investments in the future.ย I contacted Sen Mark Kelly to oppose any attempt to overturn the rule.ย #GreenAmerica #DOL