Skuppr · @skuppr
100 followers · 1138 posts · Server

Heyooo this is my post pls boost

i'm a multiply white living in the so-called uk (specifically on the island of ), I'm Bargee, I live nomadically on a which I mostly successfully maintain myself. Interested in and more generally. A factor of the way autism manifests for me is hyperlexia (verbose speech, obsessive about choosing the exact right word, obsessed with learning new words and ways of speaking), this means my writing comes out really formal; read it as a class thing if you want but I'm working class, no now or future inherited wealth, no access to managerial or corporate power, lived paycheck to paycheck my whole adult life.

Politically speaking i'm into , I love the , i'm here for and , and . I want an end to all colonial rule, capital, states, nations, borders and capital. In terms of the island I am on I am here for the end to the English occupation of the six northern counties in Ireland, the end of English rule/occupation/power in Scotland and Wales, and the end to all English overseas domination in all forms perpetrated under the flag of The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. I'm pessimistic about technology and I think it and legislation can't solve social problems.

I mostly post about disability justice, , queerness, transness, , anarchism and anticapitalism.

I'm a linux user, obviously, and a advocate.

I'll make a separate pinned post with a cw for sexy. Flirts welcome if you're a dyke, don't think covid is over and still mask up (or disability precludes you masking), and if you're like, older than mid twenties (i'm in my thirties). CIS AND TRANS MEN NO FLIRTING, THIS IS IN CAPS BECAUSE YOUR PEOPLE SEEM INCAPABLE OF READING COMPREHENSION.

To People of Colour: I collect my cousins, particularly white trans/disabled girls and autistics. If someone is doing a racism from an instance mine is federated with and you want collection please let me know. If I see this myself I do my best to not need asking. Being gracious and grateful when receiving criticism and asks for accountability or change in my behaviour is important to me and I do not expect your tone to be a certain way for me to hear it, and I am grateful for any time you take a chance on me and do me the generosity of feedback. I understand that feedback does not have to be complete and that a gift of feedback does not obligate the giver to provide further explanation/education/contact. I understand what diunital thinking is and do my best to employ it. I can usually keep my temper and own feelings in check when collecting and recuse myself when they get in the way of constructive action. I have no qualms with conflict, upsetting people and being "mean" where necessary, however. This paragraph is here for your informed consent and does not obligate you to like or trust me or interact with me.

A note on language: I use nondisabled, disablis(t/m) to honour the disability activists I have known and organised with in Britain, over the more common americanisms abled, ablis(t/m) but I don't care what anyone else uses. I use C(oercively)AFAB and CAMAB over AFAB/AMAB and if you're TME I think you should do the same. I don't really mind what language other trans women and TMA people use but I would encourage you to look into the terf historical useage of FAB (female at birth) and the transmasc transmisogynist useage of AFABulous, as well as to think about how CAMAB both decenters our ASAB and centers the violent upholding of cisgenderism, and think about whether this might be a useful lingustic distinction for you. But I'm not the boss of you, do what feels important/right to you.

#intro #disabled #autistic #trans #lesbian #britain #Narrowboat #RightToRepair #repair #greenanarchy #IWW #familyAbolition #policeabolition #transformativejustice #prisonabolition #CovidIsNotOver #ukpol #FOSS

Last updated 1 year ago

O · @oriole
112 followers · 1996 posts · Server

We need more posts in . I’m prob not on the right instance.


Last updated 2 years ago

Pada.....PENG!🦥 · @Padapeng161
189 followers · 391 posts · Server
foxtheft · @foxtheft
61 followers · 766 posts · Server

🧚‍♀️ Robert Newman's History of Oil

"Robert Newman's comedic historic portrayal of the history of oil. Fact is stranger than fiction. Explains why America wishes to bring 'democracy' to the Middle East and that WWI should be taught about the war for Iraq not Archduke Ferdinand & the coup in Iran when the secular democracy became a dictatorship for the interests of British Petroleum using the CIA."


#anarchistcomedy #sustainablevenues #decolonize #globalwarming #greenanarchy #redandblack #antiwar

Last updated 2 years ago

🌧 · @rainrainrain
191 followers · 2965 posts · Server
🌧 · @rainrainrain
99 followers · 977 posts · Server
🌧 · @rainrainrain
82 followers · 683 posts · Server
🌧 · @rainrainrain
80 followers · 666 posts · Server
🌷L🏴 · @acidkid
397 followers · 4106 posts · Server

"Green anarchism - Earth first!" in antifascist action style. :ecoanarchism_heart: :ecoanarchism_heart: :ecoanarchism_heart:

Kochane polskie osoby mam jeszcze ich sporo i można kupić, 25gr za wlepkę:3

Green anarchist flag (green-black) and behind it smaller black flag in white circle on black background (antifascist action pattern). Around circle white text in Polish
"Green anarchism - Earth first!" in antifascist action style. 
pl: flaga zielonego anarchizmu (zielono-czarna) i za nią mniejsza czarna flaga w białym kole na czarnym tle (wzór akcji antyfaszystowskiej). Wokół koła biały napis "Zielony Anarchizm - Po pierwsze ziemia!"

#mykofanesvlepy #antifascistaction #greenanarchy #greenanarchism #ecoanarchy #Ecoanarchist #ecoanarchism #greenanarchist #sticker

Last updated 2 years ago

🌷L🏴 · @acidkid
384 followers · 3953 posts · Server

Andrew Sage — What is Solar Punk?


external link with readable transcript:


#solarpunk #greenanarchy #seedbombs

Last updated 2 years ago

🌷L🏴 · @acidkid
279 followers · 2477 posts · Server · @Padapeng161
160 followers · 252 posts · Server · @Padapeng161
160 followers · 252 posts · Server
Peter Michael Bauer · @kakwa_qales
45 followers · 19 posts · Server
Calli Copella · @callicopella
1 followers · 1 posts · Server
🌷L🏴 · @acidkid
94 followers · 504 posts · Server
🌷L🏴 · @acidkid
94 followers · 504 posts · Server
· @Wanderingcactus
4 followers · 14 posts · Server

Halfway through dawn of everything, pretty interesting so far, lotta questions raised. Like last night read a part indicating that by the time the Spanish showed up (1500s) the pueblo farmers were being outnumbered by hunter gatherers at the time, they said it not me. Gonna have to read into that annotation when possible

#greenanarchism #greenanarchy #anarchy #anticiv #pueblo

Last updated 2 years ago

🪱bogbody🪱 · @peatbogbody
12 followers · 12 posts · Server