Energy #efficiency, #HeatPumps, and rooftop #solar, besides being #climate-friendly, can save a lot of money in the long run. But the upfront cost is a major barrier. #GreenBanks can help.
"Green banks can be public, quasi-public or nonprofit institutions. Many state-level green banks have focused much of their work in low- to moderate-income communities, which have the greatest need for #energy upgrades and the least access to #financing.
#efficiency #heatpumps #solar #climate #greenbanks #energy #financing #publicbanking
"'#GreenBanks,' poised for billions in climate funds, draw states' attention
In recent years, several states have created or helped to fund specialized banks that lend money to homeowners and businesses for energy-saving and climate projects. Now, states have billions more reasons to establish such institutions, known as green banks."