One of the Yellow-bellied Sapsuckers came back around noon to visit the garden pond. A couple of days ago there were two together - fresh back from the south at the leading edge of Spring migration.
#Sapsucker #YBSA #Birds #Birding #Birdsofmastodon #Greenbirding #Montreal #Garden
#sapsucker #ybsa #birds #birding #birdsofmastodon #greenbirding #montreal #garden
A Red-tailed Hawk perched on branch of a maple tree in my garden this afternoon and sat quietly for long enough to get some good photographs. An unusual garden visitor.
#bird #birding #greenbirding #hawk #redtailedhawk #Baiedurfe #Montreal
#bird #birding #greenbirding #hawk #redtailedhawk #baiedurfe #montreal
Winter is gradually winding down ... and we found a solar powered loo
#MBO #Montreal #Snow #Wintersend #Snowdrop #Solarpower #birds #birding #greenbirding
#mbo #montreal #snow #wintersend #snowdrop #solarpower #birds #birding #greenbirding
πΆββοΈ74. Grote lijster (Mistle thrush)
π‘75. Scholekster (Eurasian oystercatcher)
#groenejaarlijst #birding #lowcarbonbirding #greenbirding #localbigyear #birds
#groenejaarlijst #birding #lowcarbonbirding #greenbirding #localbigyear #birds
πΆββοΈ 70. Koperwiek (Redwing) πΈ
πΆββοΈ 71. Boomleeuwerik (Woodlark)
#groenejaarlijst #birding #lowcarbonbirding #greenbirding #localbigyear #birds
#groenejaarlijst #birding #lowcarbonbirding #greenbirding #localbigyear #birds
πΆββοΈ 68. Goudvink (Eurasian bullfinch) πΈ
πΆββοΈ 69. Waterpieper (Water pipit)
#groenejaarlijst #birding #lowcarbonbirding #greenbirding #localbigyear #birds
#groenejaarlijst #birding #lowcarbonbirding #greenbirding #localbigyear #birds
Good morning Green Mastodons - introducing myself. I am a retired biologist living near Montreal ... Birds, birding, greenbirding, botany and the world of insects. Writer of local wildlife guides and leader of field trips. Past President of the Bird Protection Quebec charity. Practitioner of wildlife and native plant gardening.
There will be photographs ... birds, flowers etc.
Good to be here.
#birding #introduction #birds #wildlife #birdphotography #montreal #baiedurfe #greenbirding
#birding #introduction #birds #wildlife #birdphotography #montreal #baiedurfe #greenbirding
Pretty common and pretty dumb - just catching some winter rays
#MODO #Mourningdove #Birds #Bording #Greenbirding #Baiedurfe #Montreal #Birdphotography
#modo #mourningdove #birds #bording #greenbirding #baiedurfe #montreal #birdphotography
Blue Jay bathing on a winter's day
#bluejay #birds #greenbirding #birding #baiedurfe
Carolina Wrens only moved into the Montreal area from the south a bit over ten years ago but can survive (small numbers) remarkable cold providing they can find food which in winter means garden feeders.
#carolinawren #birding #greenbirding #montreal #birds
Some birds are almost unbelievably resilient - this morning in Montreal the sun is shining but the temperature is -30C (-42C windchill) yet there are Juncos hopping around the garden seemingly unconcerned. Birding will be very "Greenbirding" today ... if I can't see it from indoors it isn't getting ticked.
#birding #greenbirding #birds #cold #montreal
-25C and the Dark-eyed Juncos have hardly noticed
#Birds #Birding #Greenbirding #Winter #Cold #Baiedurfe #Montreal
#birds #birding #greenbirding #winter #cold #baiedurfe #montreal
Have you ever considered "Greenbirding" as a way to pursue your favourite pastime without adding the greenhouse gas emissions? Want to know more - please ask.
#Greenbirding #Birding #Birds #Wildlife #Lifelist #GHGemissions #Climatechange
#greenbirding #birding #birds #wildlife #lifelist #ghgemissions #climatechange
Common Redpolls clustering at a feeder in winter. Visitors from the far north.
(* click the picture to see it all - Mastodon trimmed off the top and bottom)
#Birds #birding #Greenbirding #Baiedurfe #Montreal #Birdsonmastodon #Winyter #Wildlife #Redpoll
#birds #birding #greenbirding #baiedurfe #montreal #birdsonmastodon #winyter #wildlife #redpoll
Not as cold this morning as anticipated, maybe -5C with a bit if wind but by tomorrow morning we are looking at -25C and with windchill an effect -35C to -40C which will give even hardy souls like us pause for thought before going out. Even with good snowshoes this was a hefty workout, which is good and a lot more fun than the basement treadmill.
#birds #birding #greenbirding #winter #montreal #snow
I have a fascination with local, urban and peri-urban species of wildlife. It's remarkable what lives alongside us in our communities - not all nature is out there in the wilderness, much of it is within sight wherever we are. I published (at cost only - no profit) an account of this in my own community entitled "1001 Species: A Natural History of a Small Town"
#wildlife #greenbirding #birds #wildplants #baiedurfe #biodiversity
#wildlife #greenbirding #birds #wildplants #baiedurfe #biodiversity
The weather if getting colder and with more snow daily - we might soon see these Common redpolls arriving in gardens around town. This fellow was photographed a couple of years ago ... fingers crossed.
#Baiedurfe #Birds #Greenbirding #Birding #Redpoll #Birdphotography #Montreal
#baiedurfe #birds #greenbirding #birding #redpoll #birdphotography #montreal
Great Gray Owl near Montreal - sadly not this winter but one lives in hope.
#owl #bird #birding #greenbirding #montreal
If you enjoy bird and wildlife (mostly) photographs perhaps you will enjoy this ...
#WildLife #birding #greenbirding #birdphotography
Having just joined the herd and starting to find my feet here's a friend of mine from the garden a few days ago ...
#birds #birding #wildlife #greenbirding #naturescaping
#naturescaping #greenbirding #WildLife #birding #Birds