Hi! We have another Community Video :) In this one Joseph Lee from the Greenbone Community demonstrates how to do a quick first scan using the scan wizard to scan a local network IP and go over basic scan report formatting and other features.
#greenbone #openvas #vulnerabilitymanagement
Our first Community Video is done! 🎉 It's a tutorial and walkthrough on how to install the Greenbone Community Edition using Docker containers.
If you’d like to follow along with the instructions- head on over to the original documentation by @bjoernricks at https://greenbone.github.io/docs/latest/22.4/container/index.html
Let us know what you think! Did you find it helpful? And what would you like to see in upcoming videos?
#greenbone #openvas #vulnerabilitymanagement #Docker
Did you know that we have preconfigured containers for the Greenbone Community Edition? Here's insight into the why and how with @bjoernricks and @FeilnerIT over on our community blog at https://community.greenbone.net/blog/docker-container-for-greenbone-community-edition/
#VulnerabilityManagement #Greenbone #OpenVAS #Docker #containers
#vulnerabilitymanagement #greenbone #openvas #Docker #containers
Running Greenbone Community Edition 22.4 with podman-compose at Hetzner
#greenbone #podman #hetzner #ipv6
#greenbone #podman #hetzner #ipv6
Beware! VMware ESXi has been under attack since a few days. our customer #Greenbone @greenbone
has products and trials in stock that can help you protect yourself - #opensource, of course.
Important: The 21.04 release series of the Greenbone Community Edition is now *end-of-life*. We strongly encouraged everyone to update to the 22.04 release series.
Greenbone Community Edition 21.04 will *not* get any further updates and releases.
Our current 22.04 bugfix release information is at https://forum.greenbone.net/t/greenbone-community-edition-22-4-1-bugfix-release-2023-01-13/13828.
For source builds or docker containers, you will find a comprehensive guide at https://greenbone.github.io/docs/
#greenbone #openvas #vulnerabilitymanagement
Hi! There's a bugfix release for Greenbone Community Edition 22.4 series with some major changes, so please update your installation(s). More info and links to additional details are at our community forum here: https://forum.greenbone.net/t/greenbone-community-edition-22-4-1-bugfix-release-2023-01-13/13828
#Greenbone #OpenVAS #VulnerabilityManagement #BugFix #InformationSecurity #InfoSec
#infosec #informationsecurity #bugfix #vulnerabilitymanagement #openvas #greenbone
Playing around with #Greenbone Security Assistant in the #HomeLab. I’ll take it as a promising sign that the biggest vulnerability seems to be Greenbone’s own MQTT server - everything else is lower-scoring. Out of the remainder, most of the vulnerabilities belong to ageing smart devices… who could have predicted that!
For anyone running Greenbone Vulnerability Manager Source Edition - the artist formerly known as OpenVAS, here's some python code that may help in your housekeeping of those
#OpenVAS #GSE #GreenboneVulnerabilityManager #Greenbone #VulnScans #Vulnerability #Scan #Security #Patch
#openvas #gse #greenbonevulnerabilitymanager #greenbone #vulnscans #vulnerability #scan #security #patch
This is somewhat meta (discussion-wise) and perhaps a bit circular 😅, but we think it's important to say why we are here, and as an open source company and community- how distributed and federated social networking is important to us, so we wrote it up on our Community Portal.
#openvas #greenbone #vulnerabilitymanagement
This is kind of a second part to our introduction 👋 as we're doing this a little differently here than we did on the other site. We have one account instead of three and starting to re-follow people from there over here, and also follow new people and projects.
Our prior accounts were GreenboneNet (German), GreenboneEN (English) and OpenVAS (English).
Our posts will be in English, German, or possibly both at times.
#Greenbone #OpenVAS #OpenSource #introduction
#introduction #OpenSource #openvas #greenbone #vulnerabilitymanagement
Hi! It's a good time for an introduction 👋 😀
We're Greenbone, Open Source vulnerability management and home to the OpenVAS scanner project.
We're located in Germany, and the Greenbone Community Edition is used throughout the world.
We're very happy to join you here in the Fediverse :fediverse:
#Greenbone #OpenVAS #OpenSource #introduction
#introduction #OpenSource #openvas #greenbone #vulnerabilitymanagement
Ein kurzes Video mit wenig Aufwand. Das war der Plan.
#odyssee #greenbone #proxmox #youtube
RT @heiseonline
Weltweites Datenleck bei Patientendaten größer als bisher angenommen https://www.heise.de/newsticker/meldung/Weltweites-Datenleck-bei-Patientendaten-groesser-als-bisher-angenommen-4634910.html #Datenleck #Greenbone
#Greenbone macht auf ein wichtiges Datenleck aufmerksam: https://www.tagesschau.de/investigativ/br-recherche/patientendaten-101.html https://www.greenbone.net/ungeschuetzte-patientendaten-im-internet-ein-massives-globales-datenleck/ (Greenbone ist eine 50% Tochter von @intevation und wir machen nur #FreieSoftware) #Sicherheit
#greenbone #freiesoftware #sicherheit
[look at that, another vuln scan video]
Im heutigen Video werfen wir einen Blick auf den kostenlosen #Schwachstellenscanner Retina CS von BeyondTrust. Natürlich wieder mit einem Blick auf die letzten beiden Video, in denen bereits #Greenbone und #Nessus vorgestellt wurden.
#schwachstellenscanner #greenbone #nessus
[weekly german security video]
Das zweite Video unserer Reihe zum Vergleich von #Schwachstellenscannern ist Live, heute mit #Nessus Essentials und einem Rückblick auf die Ergebnisse von letzter Woche.
#ethicalhacking #security #tenable #nessus #greenbone #openvas
#schwachstellenscannern #nessus #ethicalhacking #security #tenable #greenbone #openvas
[guess what, it's a video post]
Das erste Video für Juli ist Online. Diesen Monat geht es rund um das Thema #Schwachstellenscanner. Dabei werfen wir jeweils einen Blick auf die Community-Editionen von 4 verschiedenen Enterprise-Lösungen. Den Anfang macht #Greenbone.
#schwachstellenscanner #greenbone #openvas #vulnerabilityscan #netzwerksicherheit