How To: Turn on green bubble text messaging on your Mac
iMessage on Mac is one of the best things about using the Apple ecosystem, but how do you turn on green bubble texting? Here's how.
#iMessage #Mac #GreenBubbles #technews #howto
#iMessage #mac #greenbubbles #technews #howto
“It’s easier, and more comfortable, for #Google to argue that it’s all about the #GreenBubbles. The hard truth is that #iPhones and #iOS are simply better overall.”
— @gruber via
The #CIRP report at disingenuously leads with “for some buyers [the reasons] include the desire to use #iMessage and #FaceTime among family and friends.” But it turns out that number is only 6%!
#google #greenbubbles #iphones #ios #cirp #imessage #facetime #iphone #apple #android