RT @ECMFCM@twitter.com
Frosty but beautiful view from our Castle walls this morning
#FermanaghCalmWater #IrelandsHiddenHeartlands #KeepDiscovering #EmbraceAGiantSpirit #GreenButton #StormHour
#fermanaghcalmwater #irelandshiddenheartlands #keepdiscovering #embraceagiantspirit #greenbutton #stormhour
RT @ECMFCM@twitter.com
High water at Enniskillen Castle this morning
#FermanaghCalmWater #IrelandsHiddenHeartlands #KeepDiscovering #EmbraceAGiantSpirit #GreenButton #StormHour
#fermanaghcalmwater #irelandshiddenheartlands #keepdiscovering #embraceagiantspirit #greenbutton #stormhour
Is there a tool, online or script, that can parse Green Button Data in a way that I can calculate costs using basic time parameters?
For example, the #GreenButton download I get has usage data every 15 minutes. I'm not good at scripting so all I can think of is Excel/Sheets/Calc and some if/then formulas to add the per kWh cost for each time window.
Someone must have made a more elegant solution