Oslo, Europe’s climate budget trailblazer https://www.euractiv.com/section/energy-environment/opinion/oslo-europes-climate-budget-trailblazer/?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=mastodon #Carbonbudget #greencities
I can dream of a world where all buildings are covered in foliage, right?
#urbanphotography #greenurbanism #greencities
Thanks to @jp4all for doing a great action network alert and having such a positive message and great art on your website and for @ShareTheCities for hosting the action form.
#Seattle #LandUse #Trees #Urbanism #StationAreaPlanning #TransitOrientedDevelopment #Parks4All #RenameJacksonPark #GreenCities #GreenZoning #Future
Follow them now!!!
Let folks in #Shoreline know their voices are needed, too!
#seattle #landuse #trees #urbanism #stationareaplanning #TransitOrientedDevelopment #parks4all #renamejacksonpark #greencities #GreenZoning #future #shoreline
Bezuidenhout, a neighborhood in The Hague, has received the city's first bicycle/tree platform! With only five cars shared among 45 households, there's more room in the street for bikes and greenery. 🚲🌳 #LiveableCities #GreenCities #BikeFriendly #HealthyCities
#LiveableCities #greencities #bikefriendly #healthycities
Accelerating the energy transition in European cities https://www.euractiv.com/section/climate-environment/opinion/accelerating-the-energy-transition-in-european-cities/?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=mastodon #C40 #cities #greencities
Accelerating the energy transition in European cities https://www.euractiv.com/section/climate-environment/opinion/accelerating-the-energy-transition-in-european-cities/?utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=mastodon #C40 #cities #greencities
Over half of the world’s population now lives in cities.
With that number expected to rise to 68% by 2050, urbanisation is one of the world’s most transformative trends.
Sustainability through innovation can green our cities & improve all our lives.
🌏 Seit 1970 gibt es den #earthday.
🌍Dadurch soll das Bewusstsein für den Umweltschutz gestärkt werden.
🌎Jedes Jahr steht der EarthDay unter einem besonderen Motto.
Diese Jahr lautet es
#investinourplanet :
Konkret gefordert werden damit Investitionen in:
👉 den Aufbau einer nachhaltigen Wirtschaft
👉den Aufbau einer gerechten Zukunft
👉die Erhaltung und nachhaltigen Gestaltung unserer einzigen Heimat
Genaueres hier:
#InvestInOurPlanet #EarthDay #EarthDayEveryDay #ClimateChange #Environment #Sustainability #TakeAction #ItsNotADayItsAMovement #TheGreatGlobalCleanup #FashionForTheEarth #VoteEarth #GreenCities #ClimateLiteracy
#earthday #InvestInOurPlanet #earthdayeveryday #ClimateChange #environment #sustainability #TakeAction #itsnotadayitsamovement #thegreatglobalcleanup #fashionfortheearth #voteearth #greencities #ClimateLiteracy
RT @FAOclimate
Green cities offer many benefits to urban inhabitants and the planet
🌳Want to know more about @FAO's #GreenCities Initiative?
Take a look at our brochure, now available in 5 languages:
RT @FAOclimate
🌳🌲When we plant the right trees in the right places, we support a cooler, greener & healthier future.
🌆 As populations grow in cities, urban trees provide many environmental & social benefits, including mitigating #ClimateChange & increasing #biodiversity.
#greencities #biodiversity #climatechange
Some more inspiring places reimagined as #solarpunk #art !
#farming #gardening #solar #climatecrisis #greencities #bikes
Pictures are licensed CC BY-NC-SA 4.0 by Lino Zeddies, https://realutopien.info/visuals/
#solarpunk #art #farming #gardening #solar #ClimateCrisis #greencities #bikes
Cidades mais verdes
Miúdos e graúdos, todos podem contribuir para cidades mais verdes e sustentáveis!
A cityscape awash in asphalt,
The buildings lined up like deer in the grass.
Time to reexamine the norm,
Time to rethink our parking needs.
Open roads free of large parking lots,
A greener vision that can't be forgot.
For developers, a small reprieve,
Space for nature to breath and heave.
#parking #sustainability #greencities #ode #poetry
#parking #sustainability #greencities #ode #poetry
A little news clip about one of the volunteer programs I participate in! (I’m not in this video, but I did help plant at this event.)
#TreeNewMexico plants 100 trees in Albuquerque neighborhoods eight times per year as part of the city’s goal to plant 100k new trees by 2030.
#solarpunk #climateaction #trees #urbancanopy #greencities
#treenewmexico #solarpunk #climateaction #trees #urbancanopy #greencities
Have you heard of the https://ecosystemsknowledge.net? if you're in the UK you might really like it!
Loads of resources, training and a great newsletter!
👀 check it out
If you're interested in the #environment #naturepositive #ecology #nature #greencities #UrbanPlanning
#environment #naturepositive #ecology #nature #greencities #UrbanPlanning
RT @FAOclimate
Green cities offer many benefits to urban inhabitants and the planet 🌍
Want to know more about @FAO's #GreenCities Initiative, take a look at the new brochure.
Online tool helping cities go green https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2023/feb/08/they-get-the-big-picture-the-swedish-tech-startup-helping-cities-go-green
#GreenCities #ClimateOS
@rob_telraam @greenparty_ie @GraceOSllvn
I am so excited that our amazing international team* was awarded a grant to pilot a method for studying associations between walking environments and people's experiences. Specifically, we will be comparing experiences between direct routes, and routes that are greener, with less noise and pollution.
We are going to be using an innovative app - Go Jauntly - and examining inputs from pedestrians walking in Auckland, Bristol, and Buenos Aires (San Martin). The funder is the Volvo Research and Education Foundation. More info in the blog post below.
🌳 🌴 🚶♂️ 🚶♀️
#walking #walkability #streets #streetsforpeople #nature #greencities
* With Dr Miriam Ricci, Professor Erica Hinckson, Professor Melody Smith, Carla Galeota, Dr Lorena Vesclir, Hana Sutch, and Grant Waters.
Image: National Street Service, Gehl
#walking #Walkability #streets #StreetsForPeople #nature #greencities
RT @FAOForestry@twitter.com
📢 🌳🌲 Submit your abstracts for voluntary presentations & posters for the 2nd World Forum on Urban Forests!
🗓️Deadline: 17 February 2023
More details 👉https://bit.ly/3JbU2JA
@arborday@twitter.com @forestservice@twitter.com @FAONewYork@twitter.com @ISArboriculture@twitter.com @SISEFtweet@twitter.com
More trees, less cars, better housing... Cities are putting bold measures in place to become more enjoyable 🤩 Get inspired! It's all in our newsboard 👉 https://buff.ly/3Dloopo
#EnergyTransition #GreenCities
#energytransition #greencities