Green Computing: The Unseen Component of #ESG in Legal Tech's #eDiscovery Ecosystem - Read the complete article at #GreenComputing #LegalTech
#esg #ediscovery #greencomputing #legaltech
Shutting down the computers could also save a tonne of electricity...
I'm attending my first Python Charla and Elena Guidi is speaking about Green Computing at PyCon US 2023 in Salt Lake City 🇺🇲🐍
Estoy asistiendo a mi primer Python Charla y Elena Guidi está hablando sobre Green Computing en PyCon US 2023 en Salt Lake City 🇪🇸🐍
#Python #Charla #GreenComputing #PyCon #PyConUS #PyCon2023 #PyConUS2023 #PythonSpeakingTour
CC @pycon @PyConUS @ElenaPandino
#python #charla #greencomputing #pycon #pyconus #pycon2023 #pyconus2023 #pythonspeakingtour
I tried #foldingathome and #boinc on my M1 and M2 macbook airs to see how they work without fans.
None of them use the efficient cores of the #applesilicon CPUs, even #einsteinathome, which supposedly is written for these.
#apptamer can force #foldingathome but not #boinc to run on the efficient cores and #primegrid can use the GPU.
Makes me wonder again how green is #distributedcomputing compared to projects just building or leasing larger, more efficient computers. #greencomputing
#greencomputing #distributedcomputing #primegrid #AppTamer #EinsteinAtHome #AppleSilicon #boinc #foldingathome
Another opportunity to signal boost the awesome work my team is doing. Emerging Technologies launched a sustainability team this year and their flagship project is amazing - check out Project Kepler!
#sustainability #greencomputing #kubernetes
soon we will see more similar monitoring tools to measure our app/code energy consumption, I hope it helps #carbon #carbonfootprint #science #java #greencomputing #earth #globalwarming
#carbon #carbonfootprint #science #java #greencomputing #earth #globalwarming
📍 Could Underwater Data Centers Make Cloud Computing Greener?
#GreenComputing #Datacenters #UnderwaterDatacenter
#greencomputing #datacenters #underwaterdatacenter
Been in my new #job just a bit less than a week. Solved a problem thats been bugging them for months and costing a lot of money in terms of needing extra back end resources to handle requests that don't need to be made constantly. Of course less requests by several orders of magnitude means less clock cycles, less resources and its all good for the planet.
I think I earned my salary this month already.
This is the result of statically generating a customer's e-commerce website. Check out that performance increase! I haven't even started optimising it yet!
More performant websites use less energy and feel great to use.
Hey #devs, #softwareengineers, #coders we can make a difference to #climatechange. Consider #greencomputing
#climatechange #devs #softwareengineers #coders #greencomputing
Trying to spec a low power draw at idle home server. Does anyone have any suggestions/experience in the space? So far it seems like the best bet is either an Intel NUC or a system built on a Fujitsu/Kontron motherboard. #servers #homelab #mediaserver #greencomputing #Linux
#servers #homelab #mediaserver #greencomputing #Linux
🌱🧠👾 The race to build a perfect computer chip.
— Bloomberg
#GreenComputing #ClimateChange #NanoTechnology #Photonics
#greencomputing #climatechange #nanotechnology #photonics
My colleagues presented an interesting paper on autotuning GPUs for energy efficiency titled "Going green: optimizing GPUs for energy efficiency through model-steered auto-tuning".
Preprint is already available
#kerneltuner #autotuning #greencomputing #gpu #SC22
Actually, why do we expect websites to be up all the time? Where it makes sense, I think websites could have opening hours 😄 HTTP 503 My Website Is Closed For Business Come Back 8am Tomorrow 😂 #permacomputing #greencomputing #lowtech
#permacomputing #greencomputing #lowtech
We have a PhD position available in our ANR Behave project. If you're interested, please check the offer here:
#Behave #BehaveProject #ANR #SoftwareEngineering #GreenIT #GreenComputing
#behave #BehaveProject #anr #softwareengineering #greenit #greencomputing
We're organizing the first international #workshop on greening the #web in WISE 2022 conference. Check our workshop website for the call for papers and submission details:
#green #greencomputing #internet #conference
#workshop #web #green #greencomputing #internet #conference
Les Décodeuses du Numérique, en plus d'être passionnante, cette BD 🗯 est drôlement bien dessinée. #bd #cnrs #ethique #greencomputing #logicielslibres
#logicielslibres #greencomputing #ethique #cnrs #bd