Hope to see you at #AllFiveDances! Let’s go Greendale!
#CommunityTV #CommunityTVShow #GreendaleCommunityCollege #SixSeasons #SixSeasonsAndAMovie
#sixseasonsandamovie #sixseasons #greendalecommunitycollege #communitytvshow #communitytv #allfivedances
The group is automated and isn’t controlled or owned by anyone (it’s moderated by the gup.pe instance moderator). If you have/see Community-related posts that others might enjoy, just tag the group (@communitytv) in your post/reply and it will automatically be boosted for other group members to see. To see these boosts, simply click “follow” on the group page.
#CommunityTV #CommunityTVShow #GreendaleCommunityCollege #SixSeasons #SixSeasonsAndAMovie
#sixseasonsandamovie #sixseasons #greendalecommunitycollege #communitytvshow #communitytv
It’s been difficult (at least for me) to find those former connections and meet existing Mastodonians with a love for Greendale.
Just as Community was resurrected so many times by the support of loyal fans, let’s try to build the Community “community” here on Mastodon.
We now have a Community “group” (@communitytv) that anyone can follow and interact with!
#CommunityTV #CommunityTVShow #GreendaleCommunityCollege #SixSeasons #SixSeasonsAndAMovie
#sixseasonsandamovie #sixseasons #greendalecommunitycollege #communitytvshow #communitytv
Hello #CommunityTV fans!
After migrating to Mastodon from the birdsite, I’ve discovered so many amazing people and interesting topics to follow and interact with, but a missing piece is the Community “community” that had been created and cultivated on the former site. For many of us, Community is more than a tv show…it’s comfort and laughter and connection and family.
#CommunityTV #CommunityTVShow #GreendaleCommunityCollege #SixSeasons #SixSeasonsAndAMovie
#sixseasonsandamovie #sixseasons #greendalecommunitycollege #communitytvshow #communitytv
Win the Greendale Community College paintball game so I can get priority registration
#HashtagGames @hashtaggames #NewYearResolutions #CommunityTV #JeffWinger #GreendaleCommunityCollege
#greendalecommunitycollege #jeffwinger #communitytv #NewYearResolutions #hashtaggames #oddnewyearsresolutions