@stefan @trinsec hachyderm.io is nice and they run on #renewableEnergy -> https://codeberg.org/GreenFediverse/green-instances #greenFediverse
Same for digitalcourage.social 🙂
More on #greenHosting -> https://lite.framacalc.org/green-webhost-ranking
#greenhosting #greenfediverse #renewableenergy
Thanks. I often refer to the green list here, which tracks the environmental factors:
Though I think that #greenFediverse db is getting old.
#TIL about #GreenFediverse:
"Open project to empower the Fediverse to run on servers with renewable energy and creating awareness for a sustainable development of it."
#til #greenfediverse #fediverse #renewableenergy #greentech
@weareopencoop I appreciate the tip. Simply visiting a #Misskey page put my PC to hard work (even mouse movement was unbarably slow). I looked at the #greenfediverse list for a #Calckey instance and there were only a few listed, none of which were /green/. But that list is old so maybe I should look further on that.
#misskey #greenfediverse #calckey
Is the #GreenFediverse project dead? The last updateÂą was Nov. 2022. #askFedi â‘ https://greenfediverse.codeberg.page/green-instances/
@der_istvan @LinuxClaude If you are pro-environment, I suggest filtering your choice based on the #greenFediverse listÂą. If you support #netNeutrality & oppose #centralization (which could be what brought you to the #fedi), then you should certainly avoid all #Cloudflare nodes (e.g. avoid #Fosstodon). â‘ https://greenfediverse.codeberg.page/green-instances/
#greenfediverse #netneutrality #centralization #fedi #cloudflare #fosstodon
@Amphitrite ich finde es super, dass es zusätzlich zu dem in die Jahre gekommene #Mastodon ( #RubyOnRails ...) es auch etwas modernere Alternativen basierend auf #NodeJS gibt: #Misskey oder #Calckey
Schade finde ich an Misskey, dass es auf meinem alten #Fairphone 2 recht langsam anfĂĽhlt (zu viel client side #javascript ? Z.B. beim Scrollen, das mit den bewegenden Profilbildern... ). #Calckey fĂĽhlt sich etwas besser an, aber auch hier ist noch etwas Potential nach oben.
calckey.social scheint wahrscheinlich nicht mit #erneuerbareEnergien zu laufen, aber bestimmt gibt es andere #green Instanzen: https://codeberg.org/GreenFediverse/green-instances #greenFediverse
#greenfediverse #green #erneuerbareenergien #javascript #fairphone #calckey #misskey #nodejs #rubyonrails #mastodon
Interesting project:
found on the #cncf tag #environmental #sustainability slack channel
#greenFediverse #greenIT #dc #heat #heatpumps #heatpump #datacenter #SektorenKopplung
Maybe this could lead into following direction: https://pad.hacc.space/heat-producing-unit?view
#sektorenkopplung #datacenter #heatpump #heatpumps #heat #dc #greenit #greenfediverse #sustainability #environmental #cncf
- Reparieren steuerfrei
- defund fossil fuel (privates darf nicht fĂĽr Kredie an fossile Firmen flieĂźen - siehe urgewald.org und fairfinanceguide.de)
- Steuern auf #ETF und anderen Finanzprodukte die kein aktives Management zur Verhinderung von fossilen Investments
- Zentralbanken das Verleihen von Geld an Privatpersonen und Firmen verbieten (quantative easing)
- Bahn zerschlagen (siehe Union-Vorschlag)
- echte CO2 Angaben auf jedem Produkt (+ Planetscore Label)
- eWaste Abgabe auf alle Elektronikartikel (a la Pfand?)
- Plastikverpackungen, die nicht 100% recycled werden verbieten oder extrem teuer machen (dabei "recyclebar" oder "downcyclebar" oder anderes Greenwashing-Labeling verbieten)
- Hohe Recycling-Steuer auf neue KleidungsstĂĽcke (solange bis Cradle to Cradle auch in der Textilindustrie angekommen ist)
- höherer CO2 Preis und Strafzölle für Umweltsünder (CBAM)
- Sektorenkopplung einfordern (z.B. Datacenter für Heizen und Netzstabilität einsetzen #greenfediverse
#BosettiWillReden (2/2)
#etf #bosettiwillreden #greenfediverse
@graydon @marquiskurt @airspeedswift @odoruhako @dch I guess it’s very likely that there’s some heavy censorship on the part of mastodon.social, which is known for rampant non-transparent censorship. IMO it’d be wise to switch to a node other than mastodon.social. Since it’s #earthDay, I’ll suggest #greenFediverse as a resource for finding a sustainable node.
Call for participation
international and
interdisciplinary #conference entitled “#Digitalization for
#sustainability transformations – Critical perspectives, lessons
learned, and future prospects.” With this conference, we strive to
bring together experts from different disciplines to share their
insights on how #digital #technologies can contribute to creating a
#sustainable #future.
The #conference will take place from 20th (3pm) to 22nd September
(1pm) 2023 at the Centre for Climate Resilience at the Augsburg
University in Germany (near Munich).
• Prof. Radhika Krishnan, IIIT Hyderabad
• Dr. Ruth Machen, University of Newcastle
• Dr. Roy Bendor, Delft University of Technology
• Prof. Teresa Cerratto Pargman, Stockholm University
Abstract submission deadline is: 30th April 2023 (anywhere on earth
A PDF of the call
The submission form
#green #greenit #greenfediverse #future #sustainable #technologies #digital #sustainability #digitalization #conference
"Verwässert worden ist der Entwurf auch bei den geplanten Vorgaben für Rechenzentren. Diese sollten mehr ungeförderten erneuerbaren Strom für ihren Betrieb verwenden und mehr Abwärme nutzen. Jedoch befürchtete das FDP-geführte Verkehrsministerium, das auch für digitale Infrastruktur zuständig ist, bei zu starren Vorgaben für die Rechenzentren deren Abwandern aus Deutschland."
#greenFediverse #greenIT
@moagee jfyi
@klimagerecht @klimareporter @DENEFF
@monotrox99 I stumbled upon your profile, maybe you have some recommendation? 👆
I have also somewhere a list of nice #games from independent studios. Here I think it would be interesting to do some research on how #green they are and to do some ranking similar to ethicalconsumer.org for example
And not to be forgotten how to promote #sufficiency
Facebook, Youtube they invest a lot in maximizing usage time to get more money for advertisement. Hyperscalers earn money and polish their reports by increasing utilizing their machines (beyond its necessity?) - so who else can answer that question on how to minimize hardware need. Also from my experience, the circumstance that hardware is usually cheap, developers are expensive is creating a lot of unoptimized code which is wasting a lot of resources)
#greenIT #greenFediverse #eWaste #righttorepair #renewableEnergy
#renewableenergy #righttorepair #ewaste #greenfediverse #greenit #sufficiency
Also also open the question what to do with old specialised ML servers? (e.g. an 20 years old Dell PowerEdge 2600 with 12GB
RAM and 4x2.8Ghz is still powerful enough PC and since personal computers do not run 24/7 energy consumption is not that important as scope 3 emissions.)
#greenIT #greenFediverse #eWaste #righttorepair #renewableEnergy
#renewableenergy #righttorepair #ewaste #greenfediverse #greenit
Additionally, I'm interested in workloads (maybe in the #ML context) which
- are ok to run on old x84 commodity hardware or
- are ok to concentrate on 4 subsequent weeks per year (e.g. in winter when DC is used for district heating ( https://pad.hacc.space/heat-producing-unit?view ) and has #wind farm nearby or in summer when DC is nearby a big #solar farm and stores excess heat for winter or using it in algae farm or drying stuff?)
- or other workload which are ok to only run during peak sun for around 2h a day
- or even more flexible workload which can be throttled or boosted depending on #renewableEnergy share / #co2 emissions (probably CPU intensive, since memory can not be throttled... the CNCF Environmental TAG https://github.com/cncf/tag-env-sustainability is highly interested in frameworks to provide such things, like a carbon aware scheduler -> https://github.com/sustainable-computing-io/kepler )
#righttorepair #ewaste #greenfediverse #greenit #ki #ai #co2 #renewableenergy #solar #wind #ml
@harald very interesting presentation!
I like her idea of optimizing stuff to reduce the need for more hardware. Also I don't like the Idea that old hardware is ending up in some private person cellar hosting a silly webserver and consuming 200W 24/7. I would love to see people turning old phones with broken display into raspberry-pi like devices or datacenters with specialised multi-cpu-mainboards equipped old CPUs which can run useful #cloud #software
But still I would choose more datacenters, which:
- mainly using #refurbished hardware (or ensuring that hardware is running for very(!) long time and continuously repaired)
- using reused (multi-story) buildings (but no big warehouse which seals too much area!)
- have very good PUE
- use excess heat for district heating or algae farm or drying herbs (Sector Coupling / Integrated Energy)
- #solar and #wind farm nearby
- have good APIs (like openStack)
#greenIT #greenFediverse #eWaste #righttorepair #renewableEnergy
#renewableenergy #righttorepair #ewaste #greenfediverse #greenit #wind #solar #refurbished #software #cloud
Der Kopf dahinter: Dale Vince, GrĂĽnder von Ecotricity, einem recht bekannten Versorger von #erneuerbareenergien
Dieser ist mir schon damals ĂĽber den Weg gelaufen bei folgender suche nach nachhaltigen Hostern:
Soweit ich mich errinern kann, ist ecotricity nicht der grĂĽnste, aber schon einer der grĂĽneren.
zB hier liest man von besseren Alternativen: https://talk.libreho.st/t/the-electricity-we-use/325/5
#greenit #greenfediverse #erneuerbareenergien