I mean, this is not surprising at all, right? I *very* sympathetic to the concerns raised at this month's School Committee meeting—I would go so far as to say that I share them—but the fact is that the law does seem to support any objection to the approval of this school and the SC was basically asking for this sort of legal response by tabling the motion.
The Recorder had a decent article yesterday about Wednesday evening's final meeting the Ad Hoc Charter Review Committee:
I was able to watch about an hour of their discussion live, but missed the conclusion due to Real Life events.
I was able to catch a decent chunk of last night's Greenfield School Committee meeting live https://www.youtube.com/live/zNMYDulB9dM?feature=share
I am watching the final meeting of the Greenfield Charter Chapters 7-7 & 7-8 Review Ad Hoc Committee and it just seems crazy to me that Al Norman—who is basically a professional submitter of citizen’s petitions—be trying to custom craft the process so that it works better for him.
Ahead of this evening's final meeting of the Charter Chapters 7-7 & 7-8 Review Ad Hoc Committee, I am reading through the recommendations they will be voting on. They can be found under "5. Motions" here https://cms5.revize.com/revize/greenfield/Document_Center/Government/City_Council/AHC%207-7%20and%207-8%20Charter%20Review%202023-07-11%20Agenda.pdf
Looks like a somewhat busy week ahead for meetings of various city committees, boards, and commissions.
The Policy & Programs Subcommittee of the Greenfield School Committee met on July 6, 2023 https://youtu.be/xPoxzcFOvtM
The recording of last night's (6/21/23) Greenfield City Council meeting has been posted to YouTube.
It seems to be missing the initial part of the meeting, and cuts in during the Q&A period with Superintendent DeBarge.
I wish that there were some discernible rhyme or reason to which town meetings get recorded and posted to YouTube and which don't. There are just too many of them and at weird and sometime conflicting hours to go attend every one in person or online. I'd like to know that I would be able to watch them the next day, but most of the time, I'm sitting around for a week at least.
Looks like we've got agendas now posted for all of this coming week's (June 19, 2023) town meetings.
Here’s the Recorder article on Wednesday’s School Committee meeting https://articles.recorder.com/With-extra-$1-18M-from-City-Council-Greenfield-schools-scale-back-cuts-to-staff-programs-51333299
This covers only the FY24 budget discussion and vote. Tl;dr: They passed the Superintendent’s revised budget, restoring some of the previous cuts necessitated by the mayor’s initial budget.
Sounds like there were significant technical issues at last night’s School Committee meeting, with portions of the recording ending up being audio-only and other parts not being recorded at all.
Only two significant (sorry, no offense, Council On Aging and Board Of License Commissioners) town meetings next week: the Ways & Means Committee on Tuesday 6/20 and the City Council on Wednesday 6/21.
*Maybe* parking is a revenue generator for the city, but I think the primary goal of charging for parking is to managed the demand for the available spaces.
I’ve got IRL stuff going on tonight and am not able to attend the School Committee meeting, but I’m watching the livestream on and off as I can https://www.youtube.com/live/ycQHp6ZZKjc?feature=share
The June 6 Committee Chairs meeting for the Greenfield City Council has finally been posted to YouTube https://youtu.be/sZ_W65XZswg
The recording of last night's Downtown Parking Study presentation just hit YouTube https://youtu.be/kLA5shRujBM
So I think that leaves us with Wednesday evening's School Committee meeting as this week's Main Event. There are a smattering of other small board and commission meetings as well, but School Committee is likely to be the biggest, longest, and most eventful session of the week. Their meetings tend to run long—often up to and past the three-hour mark—and their agenda this week has some pretty weighty topics, as well as an executive session.
Looks like tomorrow night's schedule meeting of the Appointments & Ordinances Committee has been cancelled https://greenfield-ma.gov/calendar.php?view=day&month=06&day=14&year=2023&calendar=&id=441
The Economic Development Committee of the Greenfield City Council is meeting this evening at 6p. The meeting is taking place at City Hall, or can be joined via Zoom https://greenfield-ma-gov.zoom.us/j/97856783738?pwd=c3Z0L2QzY1N3Z2tsWmlCbHd6SkQrQT09
The full meeting notice and detailed agenda is here https://cms5.revize.com/revize/greenfield/Document_Center/Government/City_Council/Economic%20Development%202023-06-13%20Agenda.pdf