Clean Water, From a Plant-Based Filter - If you’re an outdoors person, one of the earliest things you learned was probably ... - #greenhacks #filter #water #xylem
#xylem #water #filter #greenhacks
Road Salt? Bah! New Roadway Material Promises A Better Solution to Snow And Ice - If you’ve ever lived somewhere it gets properly cold, you’ll know that winter’s ic... - #hackadaycolumns #greenhacks #roadsalt #science #roadway #road
#road #roadway #science #roadsalt #greenhacks #hackadaycolumns
2023 Hackaday Prize: Two Bee Or More Bee Swarm Detection - In the bustling world of bees, swarming is the ultimate game of real estate shuffl... - #artificialintelligence #artificalintelligence #greenhacks #beekeeping #xgboost #lora #bee
#bee #lora #xgboost #beekeeping #greenhacks #artificalintelligence #artificialintelligence
2023 Hackaday Prize: A Reusable Plant Monitor - [Ovidiu] cares for their house plants, trying to dial in the perfect soil humidity... - #homeassistant #indoorplants #greenhacks #homehacks #esp32-s3 #esp32 #solar
#solar #esp32 #homehacks #greenhacks #indoorplants #homeassistant
Open Source Waterwheel - Here in the West, power going out is an unusual event. But in more remote regions ... - #hydroelectricity #hydroelectric #water-powered #greenhacks #hydropower #hydropower #offthegrid #waterwheel #generator #offgrid #water
#offgrid #generator #waterwheel #offthegrid #hydropower #greenhacks #water #hydroelectric #hydroelectricity
Black Graphics On Your TV, For A Greener World? - Can you really save energy by carefully choosing the colors displayed on a TV scre... - #carbonfootprint #greenhacks #graphics #power #tv
#tv #power #graphics #greenhacks #carbonfootprint
3D Print Your Own Seiko-Style “Magic Lever” Energy Harvester - Back in 1956, Seiko created their “magic lever” as an integral part of self-windin... - #energyharvesting #mechanicalenergy #selfwinding #greenhacks #magiclever #ratchet #seiko
#seiko #ratchet #magiclever #greenhacks #selfwinding #mechanicalenergy #energyharvesting
Clipper Windpower: Solutions in Search of Problems - The first modern wind turbines designed for bulk electricity generation came onlin... - #featurecreep #engineering #originalart #greenhacks #complexity #windpower #featured #history #gears
#gears #history #featured #windpower #complexity #greenhacks #originalart #engineering #featurecreep
MIT Crack The Concrete Capacitor - It’s a story we’ve heard so many times over the years: breathless reporting of a n... - #supercapacitor #energystorage #greenhacks #cement
#cement #greenhacks #energystorage #supercapacitor
Harvesting Mechanical Energy from Falling Rain - Collecting energy from various small mechanical processes has always been somethin... - #mechanicalenergy #triboelectric #greenhacks #harvesting #generator #rainpanel #energy #power #rain
#rain #power #energy #rainpanel #generator #harvesting #greenhacks #triboelectric #mechanicalenergy
2023 Hackaday Prize: A Smart Powermeter That You Actually Want - [Jon] wanted to keep track of his home power use, but didn’t want to have to push ... - #2023hackadayprize #powermanagement #currentsensing #homeautomation #classichacks #greenhacks #contests #esphome
#esphome #contests #greenhacks #classichacks #homeautomation #currentsensing #powermanagement #2023hackadayprize
Mapping the Depths with an Autonomous Solar Boat - Ever look out at a pond, stream, or river, and wonder how deep it is? For large bo... - #autonomousboat #depthmapping #robotshacks #greenhacks #gpshacks #solar #sonar
#sonar #solar #gpshacks #greenhacks #robotshacks #depthmapping #autonomousboat
Gardening Robot Uses Sunlight to Incinerate Weeds - Removing weeds is a chore few gardeners enjoy, as it typically involves long sessi... - #solarconcentrator #tensorflowlite #machinevision #robotshacks #raspberrypi #weedwhacker #greenhacks #solarhacks #weeding
#weeding #solarhacks #greenhacks #weedwhacker #raspberrypi #robotshacks #machinevision #tensorflowlite #solarconcentrator
Get Your Leafy Meats - Some of us jokingly refer to our hobbies as “mad science,” but [Justin] from The T... - #artificialorganism #chemistryhacks #bioengineering #decelluralized #recelluralized #cookinghacks #scaffolding #greenhacks #artifishal #madscience #non-vegan #biology #spinach #ghost #leaf
#leaf #ghost #spinach #biology #non #madscience #artifishal #greenhacks #scaffolding #cookinghacks #recelluralized #decelluralized #bioengineering #chemistryhacks #artificialorganism
Cottonization: Making Hemp and Flax Fibers Into The Better Cotton - These days it’s hard to imagine that fabrics were ever made out of anything other ... - #cottonization #originalart #greenhacks #bastfiber #featured #interest #science #flax #hemp
#hemp #flax #science #interest #featured #bastfiber #greenhacks #originalart #cottonization
Using Trash To Keep Plastic Trash Out Of Oceans By Kabooming Them - For a few years now, [Richard] of Tropical Ocean Cleanup fame has been working har... - #plasticpollution #greenhacks #kaboom
#kaboom #greenhacks #plasticpollution
Tree Planting Festivals, Air Cannons, Self-Burying Seeds, and the Complexities of Reforestation - At first glance the problem of how to plant trees would seem to be a straightforwa... - #reforestation #bioinspired #greenhacks #science #seeding
#seeding #science #greenhacks #bioinspired #reforestation
A Fresnel Lens Without The Pain - Making a traditional glass lens requires a lot of experience, skill, and patience ... - #greenhacks #fresnel #optics #lens
#lens #optics #fresnel #greenhacks
Hackaday Prize 2023: This Challenge Makes It So Easy Being Green - This year’s Hackaday Prize is our first nice round number – number ten! We thought... - #2023hackadayprize #hackadaycolumns #environmental #greenhacks #contests #prize
#prize #contests #greenhacks #environmental #hackadaycolumns #2023hackadayprize
Vehicle-to-Grid Made Easy #electricvehicle #vehicle-to-grid #vehicle-to-home #batterypack #greenhacks #opensource #inverter #battery #Modbus #grid #CAN #ev
#electricvehicle #vehicle #batterypack #greenhacks #opensource #inverter #battery #modbus #grid #can #ev