Looking for recommendations for SIP kit homes or prefab homes, in the US. I see a lot of sustainable transportation folk on here - hoping you know about green buildings, too. Building site would be in Michigan, if that matters
#sustainability #buildings #GreenHomes #SIP #prefabricatedhomesandbuildings #prefabricatedbuildings #kithomes
#sustainability #buildings #greenhomes #sip #prefabricatedhomesandbuildings #prefabricatedbuildings #kithomes
Article on a passive home (warmed by passive solar supplemented with a heat pump) in Minneapolis. Passive buildings cost perhaps 12-15% more to construct vs traditional, although this architect claims 3-5% greater construction cost. The up-front premium is repaid by owning a fossil-fuel-free home. Should be required for all new construction.
Minneapolis ‘passive house’ combines energy efficiency and contemporary design. https://www.startribune.com/carbon-neutral-passive-house-haus-climate-change-energy-minneapolis-environment/600267075/
#passivehouse #energy #efficiency #solar #greenhomes
@SchadenfreudeSteph Hmm. I put a lot in bio. 😂 Let’s see: #Science #GreenHomes # TinyHomes #ServiceDog #Cooking #USConstitution #Dogs #Parrots #vEDS #MMJ 😂 I’m stoned and, apparently, #CountingWhenStoned is NOT a thing. 😂
#Science #greenhomes #servicedog #cooking #usconstitution #Dogs #parrots #veds #mmj #countingwhenstoned