@Egghat Die Tage zum ersten Mal von #Greenhushing gehört. Was Penny da macht ist ja das pure Gegenteil.
Kennt ihr «green hushing»?
Das ist quasi das Gegenteil von green washing. Ein Unternehmen setzt ökologisch sinnvolle Massnahmen um, berichtet jedoch nicht darüber, weil es die Reaktion der depperten Kundschaft fürchtet.
https://luxiders.com/what-is-green-hushing-is-it-worse-than-green-washing/ #greenhushing
"Companies may be tempted to hide their climate goals over fears they will be scrutinised in an emerging global trend known as “greenhushing”, the corporate regulator said on Monday."
#business #greenhushing #ClimateChange #Climate
It's complicated with #sustainability these days..
Overview from
What is ‘#greenhushing’? The new negative sustainability trend, explained
Via Euronews: What is greenhushing? How to spot the sophisticated greenwashing tactics being used in 2023
What is greenhushing? The greenwashing tactics you might overlook
Greenhushing, greenshifting, greencrowding: Greenwashing is getting harder to spot. Here are the latest tactics to watch out for.
#greenwashing, #greenhushing, #euronews, #environment, #EnvironmentalContamination
#environmentalcontamination #environment #euronews #greenhushing #greenwashing
"Greenlabelling is a practice where marketers call something green or sustainable, but closer examination reveals this to be misleading"
"Greenrinsing refers to a company regularly changing its ESG targets"
"Greenhushing is when organisations … hide their green or ESG credentials from public view to evade scrutiny"
#greenlabelling #greenrinsing #greenhushing #greenwashing #marketing #climatecrisis
"What is greenhushing? How to spot the sophisticated greenwashing tactics being used in 2023"
#Environment #greenhushing #greenwashing
Not just #greenwashing... #greencrowding, #greenlighting, #greenshifting, #greenlabelling, #greenrinsing, and #greenhushing, explained: https://www.euronews.com/green/amp/2023/01/29/what-is-greenhushing-how-to-spot-the-sophisticated-greenwashing-tactics-being-used-in-2023 #ESG
#ESG #greenhushing #greenrinsing #greenlabelling #greenshifting #greenlighting #greencrowding #greenwashing
#Greenwashing kennt'a, was? Aber #Greenhushing?
"Green hushing comes from a fear of being accused of not doing enough by customers and generally any form of backlash from their consumers. It has become a survival strategy for companies that want to avoid public scrutiny. It tends to be used by smaller businesses, that do not have the means to operate large-scale sustainability efforts. Therefore, their practices are small-scale, which may be criticised by consumers as “not enough”."
#Greenhushing: Worried about backlash, some companies stopped sharing the steps they take to reduce their carbon footprint. Wharton’s Mirko Heinle explains this trend of “greenhushing” #ESG-related efforts and what it means for #climatechange -
#CEO #Communications #PublicRelations
#greenhushing #esg #climatechange #ceo #communications #publicrelations