A nice article in The Guardian about "eco-architecture" and its role in mitigating droughts #bioswale #greeninfrastucture https://www.theguardian.com/artanddesign/2023/feb/27/parched-eco-architecture-los-angeles-megadrought-water-capturing-parks
When you incorporate what #nature has been doing for eons in dealing with #floods like #greeninfrastucture into #engineering and #construction you reap what you sow: When San Francisco’s new Southeast Community Center opened in October, the three acres of parkland included an expansive #landscaped #bioswale that, in theory, would handle the #water running off even the most extensive storm. Less than a month later, the theory was put to the test... https://www.sfchronicle.com/bayarea/article/storm-flood-landscape-weather-17732016.php
#nature #floods #greeninfrastucture #engineering #construction #landscaped #bioswale #water
When you incorporate what #nature has been doing for eons in dealing with #floods like #greeninfrastucture into #engineering and #construction you reap what you sow: When San Francisco’s new Southeast Community Center opened in October, the three acres of parkland included an expansive #landscaped #bioswale that, in theory, would handle the #water running off even the most extensive storm. Less than a month later, the theory was put to the test... https://www.sfchronicle.com/bayarea/article/storm-flood-landscape-weather-17732016.php
#Water #bioswale #landscaped #construction #engineering #greeninfrastucture #floods #Nature