Muzikaal #stemadvies.
Ferocious Dog - Sea Shepherd
Wie claimt dat er zonder visserij geen gezonde zee kan bestaan, is niet helemaal lekker in z'n paasei.
Tijd dat we beter met onze zee omgaan.
Hup #Greenpace & #SeaShepherd.
#stemadvies #greenpace #seashepherd
#Greenpace sent me an email that included this:
#Fonterra is New Zealand’s biggest #climate polluter. #Dairy #cattle produce a quarter of the country’s climate warming greenhouse gas emissions, and most of this is ... #methane. Fonterra alone produced almost a fifth of New Zealand’s total greenhouse gas emissions last year.
We call methane ‘superheating’ because it’s an intense climate #pollutant ... . Just one tonne ... has the same impact on climate change as 265 tonnes of carbon dioxide.
#greenpace #fonterra #climate #dairy #cattle #methane #pollutant