Hmm.. I might make another modern AU for my current interests 🤔 (much like this one:
Idk, I'll see where this sketch takes me xD
Having severe fuckin period cramps rn and for some reason I wanna draw my character being teased for having her period and/or having a character fawn over it
Is it weird? Yea. Does it help me cope with these shitty cramps? Also yea. :squints:
Might draw some doodles or smth soon lol
#period #menstrual #menophilia #greenrambles
Since A Hat in Time is my newest special interest, it's now my autistic duty to make several AUs based around The Thoughts™️
Not to get controversial, but thigh high socks + short shorts is SUCH an incredible combo :boonchuy_ahegao:
(The controversial part is a joke, lmao)
I WISH I knew how to make toony 3D models, I don't even know how to use Blender n shit ffs 😫
(Yes I know tutorials exist, but lack of time amnsksdndk)
I'd make so much Pokemon stuff and OC related things :bonk:
Snatcher using hypnosis on the unsuspecting little loli, making her see things while Snatcher fucks her brains out relentlessly and she just takes it because she has no idea what's going on :rumblyeyes: :rumblyeyes: :rumblyeyes:
#fantasy #ahit #snatcher #loli #greenrambles
Oh to be a small witch loli in the middle of Subcon Forest, being chained to a tree while being taunted about not being able to use her magic to escape, then being knotted by Snatcher's ghost/monster/tentacle cock and being used as a vessel 🤤
#fantasy #ahit #snatcher #loli #greenrambles