Ukraine . . . Why do some Leftists support a bloodbath? G&R Commentary--the war has to end!
A Green & Red commentary on the continued brutal and bloody war in Ukraine. There are now over 500,000 casualties in the war and the U.S. is sending billions of dollars there (but not to East Palestine, Flint, Jackson, Hawaii, etc).
Negotiations are imperative, as the JCS Chair Mark Milley has been saying, and the NATO Left has to stop supporting this bloody war.
#GreenRed #Ukraine #blood #NATOleft #StopWars #war #fakeleft #casualties #billionaires #profit
#greenred #ukraine #blood #natoleft #stopwars #war #fakeleft #casualties #billionaires #profit
Stop the Mountain Valley Pipeline w/ Appalachians Against Pipelines
The Mountain Valley Pipeline is a 300 mile long fracked gas pipeline cutting across the mountains and waterways of Appalachia. For the past five years, Appalachians Against Pipelines (@stopthemvp) has waged a fierce direct action campaign against it with tree-sits, blockades and civil disobedience.
#greenred #podcast #mountainvalleypipeline #appalachia #appalachiansagainstpipelines #joemanchin #joebiden #scotus #politics #money #bribery #profit #pollution #healthrisk #waterdefenders #climatedefense
#greenred #podcast #mountainvalleypipeline #appalachia #appalachiansagainstpipelines #joemanchin #joebiden #scotus #politics #money #bribery #profit #pollution #healthrisk #waterdefenders #climatedefense
Direct Action Gets the Goods: Stop Cop City, Animal Liberation and more ft. Jake Conroy
We welcome back our friend, comrade and maker of trouble Jake Conroy (@_jakeconroy) to discuss the state of direct action. We talk about the state repression of activists in Atlanta and elsewhere, the lessons of 2020, strategies to win and whether there is anything to be optimistic about.
#GreenRed #DirectAction #repression #activism #StopCopCity #ALF #freedom #strategy #report
#greenred #directaction #repression #activism #StopCopCity #alf #freedom #strategy #report