@phocks By the time Alien was released, the whole area including the cinema was re-developed. I trained 🚞 myself to the cinema this time and I associate this film with the distinct smell of “new” air-conditioning.
#greensborough <https://shoppingcentrenews.com.au/latest-news/industry-news/greensborough-plaza-celebrates-40-years/>
@phocks The local cinema as a youngster was an 8km drive to Greensborough. A Hoyts cinema, I remember having a birthday cinema viewing with some mates while in Primary.
#Melbourne / #Greensborough / #cinema <http://cinematreasures.org/theaters/54403/photos/343317>
#melbourne #greensborough #cinema
As a youngster I’d often run from #DiamondCreek to the basketball stadium 🏀 and on the way I’d pass this sight on the down hill 200 meters from the stadium.
I present to you the “Futuro” #Greensborough / #ApolloParkways real-estate office for Ray Dean besides the blue “Chuppa Chup” water tower.
#architecture #futuro / #MattiSuuronen / #Finland / 🎿⛷️🛸
#diamondcreek #greensborough #apolloparkways #architecture #futuro #mattisuuronen #finland
As a youngster I’d often run from #DiamondCreek to the basketball stadium 🏀 and on the way I’d pass this sight on the down hill 200 meters from the stadium, outside #Greensborough.
I present to you the “Futuro” #ApolloParkways real-estate office for Ray Dean besides the blue “Chuppa Chup” water tower.
#architecture #futuro / #MattiSuuronen / #Finland / 🎿⛷️🛸
#diamondcreek #greensborough #apolloparkways #architecture #futuro #mattisuuronen #finland
@dikkii Why I even found #Negativland at #Sanity #Greensborough is still a mystery to me. Like that time I found a signed copy of Andy Prieboy's "...upon my wicked son" there.
But I digress...
#negativland #sanity #greensborough
Making the most of a sunny day....of course being Melbourne it was rain and storms an hour later!!
We really enjoyed the group that attended our Focused Cardiac Ultrasound course!
#cardiacultrasound #greensborough #zedu #ultrasoundtraining #pocus #cardiac #scanningpractice
#cardiacultrasound #greensborough #zedu #ultrasoundtraining #POCUS #cardiac #scanningpractice