This was an important tool today, a bee remover and rescuer, it was on hand to help persuade the bees back out of the polytunnel when they accidentally flew in. One bee in particular was quite happy to stay on the rose bay willow herb.
#GreenShores #PlantHub #NatureRestorationFund #NatureScot
#bees #greenshores #planthub #naturerestorationfund #naturescot
Gorgeous views over saltmarsh on the way to our Dornoch Firth restoration site. Sea plantain and sea aster pictured. These are such beautiful habitats and they store so much carbon.
#saltmarshes @NatureScot @scotgovnetzero #NatureRestorationFund #GreenShores #ClimateAction
#saltmarshes #naturerestorationfund #greenshores #climateaction