The web feels more alive when it has great animations. You can make your animation feel more organic in just a few lines of code using
GreenSock's randomization + MotionPath plugins.
Check out my latest tutorial!
- video:
- written:
#100DaysOfCode : #HTML #CSS #VanillaJS #GSAP
#Day6 : Text line filling opacity animation
Le projet est à retrouver sur :
Code source :
Goals :
- VanillaJSto add a line-mask div in each line (forEach and appendChild)
- line-mask CSS class with position absolute that cover the line from right to left with high opacity
#WebDev #Frontend #WebDesign #CodingChallenge #Javascript #LearnToCode #CodingDay #FrontendDevelopment #Greensock
#greensock #frontenddevelopment #codingday #learntocode #javascript #codingchallenge #webdesign #frontend #webdev #Day6 #Gsap #vanillajs #css #html #100daysofcode