I'm switching from #Android to #iPhone for the practical reason of having a supported phone that just works. But I'm very sad because I'll miss a bunch of awesome #FOSS apps that I use from #FDroid regularly and love - #AntennaPod, #SimpleMobileTools family of apps, #FairEmail, #Greentooth, #Insular for work profile apps, #KDEConnect, #NewPipe 💔, #OpenScan, #TelegramFOSS, #Tusky, #Twidere and more. But the good news is that I'll be using my current phone as a secondary device indefinitely! 🤞🏼
#android #iphone #foss #fdroid #antennapod #Insular #tusky #simplemobiletools #fairemail #greentooth #kdeconnect #newpipe #openscan #telegramfoss #twidere
Greentooth è un’applicazione per Android molto semplice che vi permette di disattivare automaticamente il Bluetooth quando non lo utilizzate!
#alternative #greentooth #bluetooth #android #opensource --> LINK -->
#bluetooth #android #alternative #greentooth #opensource
Nur gut, das bei mir die App #Greentooth aus dem #f-droid Store installiert ist. Das kann ich auch nur jedem wärmstens empfehlen:
Bluetooth anfällig für Angriffe auf Schlüssel – irgendwie
Das CERT/CC und die Bluetooth-Standardisierer warnen vor Blurtooth – knausern aber mit Informationen zur entdeckten Schwachstelle.
@heise_security đź”— https://social.tchncs.de/users/heise_security/statuses/104845439337619605
#Greentooth (https://f-droid.org/en/packages/com.smilla.greentooth/) is a very nifty, useful #Android app available on #FDroid ❤️