ted cutezynski¹ · @shrugdealer
1175 followers · 11687 posts · Server kolektiva.social

Corporate Nature Restoration Results Murky at Best, at Worst.

A new study shows that many businesses are not transparently reporting the results of their nature restoration efforts.


Last updated 1 year ago

ted cutezynski¹ · @shrugdealer
1175 followers · 11688 posts · Server kolektiva.social

Corporate Nature Restoration Results Murky at Best, at Worst.

A new study shows that many businesses are not transparently reporting the results of their nature restoration efforts.


Last updated 1 year ago

Everyone should be enraged that the company that has committed so many crimes against Native peoples and land is being by

#racist #antiindigenous #settlercolonial #enbridge #pipeline #greenwashed #neoliberalfascism

Last updated 1 year ago

Empiricism · @empiricism
313 followers · 1220 posts · Server sustainability.masto.host

I should write something positive about the fact that l live in a culture where many adults know that their behaviours & activities are causing , but do them anyway 🤬

At least their trying to be happy 🙃 Now l understand the point of having an upside down smiling emoji.

The hardest things to do are the things that they have been to not want to do.

generally nurtures wish based believing out of people that then find the"truth" liberating.

#climatechange #greenwashed #science #evopsychology

Last updated 1 year ago

Empiricism · @empiricism
313 followers · 1218 posts · Server sustainability.masto.host

I do think many adults are relatively fools & here is why. They act like fools! (a fool can't perceive it)

First a definition. My definition of a fool is when you say "X" is harmful to a person that is doing "X". But the person turns out to be a fool because they simply feel offended & continue to want to do "X" anyway (low curiosity & or immoral)

Greenwashing fools & fools (foolish minds think alike) are causing a

What a foolish mistake!

#greenwashed #climatecrisis #psychology #ecology

Last updated 1 year ago

Empiricism · @empiricism
314 followers · 1217 posts · Server sustainability.masto.host

I do think many adults are relatively fools & here is why. They act like fools! (a fool can't perceive it)

First a definition. My definition of a fool is when you say "X" is harmful to a person that is doing "X". But the person turns out to be a fool because they simply feel offender & continue to want to do "X" anyway (low curiosity & or immoral)

Greenwashing fools & fools (foolish minds think alike) are causing a

What a foolish mistake!

#greenwashed #climatecrisis #psychology #ecology

Last updated 1 year ago

Empiricism · @empiricism
314 followers · 1217 posts · Server sustainability.masto.host

I do think many adults are relatively fools & here is why. They act like fools! (a fool can't perceive it)

First a definition. My definition of a fool is when you say "X" is harmful to a person that is doing "X". But the person turns out to be a fool because they simply feel offender & continue to want to do "X" anyway (low curiosity & or immoral)

Greenwashing fools & fools (foolish minds think alike) have caused a

What a foolish mistake!

#greenwashed #climatecrisis #psychology #ecology

Last updated 1 year ago

Empiricism · @empiricism
314 followers · 1217 posts · Server sustainability.masto.host

I do think many adults are relatively fools & here is why. They act like fools! (a fool can't perceive it)

First a definition. My definition of a fool is when you say "X" is harmful to a person that is doing "X". But the person turns out to be a fool because they simply feel offender & continue to want to do "X" anyway (low curiosity & or immoral)

Greenwashing fool & fools (foolish minds think alike) have caused a

What a foolish mistake!

#greenwashed #climatecrisis #psychology #ecology

Last updated 1 year ago

Empiricism · @empiricism
301 followers · 1180 posts · Server sustainability.masto.host

Coming soon via this account.

The definitive guide to the that is causing the

Spoiler alert! The guide will be a how to feel good by doing good environmental behaviors & activities. And how to even feel good about yourself (an intrinsic good), that other people are evidently wanting to do environmentally harmful behaviors and activities.

The psychology of & a wannabe

#mastodon #psychology #climatecrisis #behaviorism #greenwashed #business #consumerism #climatechange

Last updated 1 year ago

Empiricism · @empiricism
300 followers · 1169 posts · Server sustainability.masto.host

l overheard a conversation about the forest fires in . The conversation went like this "well, l hope those fires are put out soon or l will have to cancel our family holiday".

The other person agreed that the forest fires were very inconvenient.

They didn't mention

Why would they? They want to believe it's someone else's problem. The politicians & industry (advertising) tell them they're dealing with the problem

#forestfires #rhodes #climatechange #psychology #greenwashed #consumerism

Last updated 1 year ago

Empiricism · @empiricism
249 followers · 839 posts · Server sustainability.masto.host

This short Guardian article is a thought-provoking read 'As heat records break, the movement has the right answers – but the words are all wrong' theguardian.com/commentisfree/

Climate activists (inc. environmental scientists) need to keep in mind that to mitigate industrial ecological degradation (both producers & consumers) we first need to win the information "war".

The effects of will change many "hearts", blame the greenwashing industries, not the .

#news #climate #climatechange #greenwashed

Last updated 1 year ago

Gary · @empiricism
212 followers · 686 posts · Server ecoevo.social

Can a government gaslight the people of the country so as to control them?

What if a government was generally funded by & managed by rich business people? (With personal business agendas) What if their business agendas were causing ecological degradation therefore climate change?

Would they simply be honest which would lose them money? (& social power)

Whilst reading the article, consider the government medicalnewstoday.com/articles/

of a nation.

#UK #conservative #psychology #greenwashed

Last updated 2 years ago

Gary · @empiricism
141 followers · 2804 posts · Server qoto.org

Are you normal? For goodness sake, I hope not!

WTF is wrong with some people? Are they really normal? Yes they're! And that's the problem!

Humans like to feel hopeful, humans like to feel successful. Successful parents, successful at making friends. They like to feel that their political idea's are right. They like to feel that their life has meaning, is worthwhile. Colloquially, humans like to feel that they are "successful", "happy", "attractive", " intelligent", "cunning", "good", etc. They like to hope they will be healthy (if not now - hopefully, more healthy in the future. E.g., diets, exercise, etc)

Businesses make money selling products to people using happy and healthy narratives. Businesses sell products using "natural" or "nature" narratives. These marketing strategies vary from complete bullshit, for example, online "environmental" shops say their product is "natural" & "chemical free" (a dumb sales pitch aimed at ignorant consumers), whilst other products are generally accurately (honesty) advertised.

I say honestly, because the people that work in the businesses that sell products using disinformation are, by definition, aware that their advertisements are bullshit. But, contact them & they try to conceal their bullshit (by saying more bullshit). To be fair, you're average bullshiter is so dumb, they actually believe that their bullshit will work on me. Or rather, they don't know me personally (contacting them via email), so they simply repeat the same marketing bullshit they day to the average consumer. The truth, even in an email, could lose them sales. Greenwash only works if the consumer is ignorant. Those "adults" (mature?) that don't feel that they should be environmentally responsible, aren't greenwashed. They tend to be the greenwashers (how cunning of them? Or is it stupid of them!)

However, l diverge.

So, in this context, what's wrong with these people is that they are "happy" to make money by using deception. In fact, many adults are "happy" to use deception. Many adults life's are more fake than real. They feign their level of intelligence & ethics by "gas lighting" the conversation. Accusing the better people of "lecturing them" or being "condescending". For instance, the "adults" that socially criticise the "experts", but, not so much the evidence (the research).

There isn't one word to psychologically group one person under. Even "sociopaths" have a charming nature - when it suits them. When they're "happy" "sociopaths". In fact, if the "sociopath" isn't explicitly, intentionally, plotting to deceive or lie someone or another, they are, at least for a time, quite "normal" (average on the psychological spectrum of behaviours)

However, it's the statistical outliers that make certain behaviours abnormal. For example, in a world of capitalist consumers, trashing the planet for, for an example out of multitudes, for make-up products, is considered quite "normal". In a world of ecopaths, a world in which humans "normal" social behaviours are harmful to nature, ecocide is what the average person perceives as "normal". So "normal" that they don't question their harmful activities. So "normal" (average) is their perceived right to, for example, buy whatever they want, travel however they want, that they perceive anyone that critically evaluates their average consumerism behaviours as "weird" and "condescending" and "lecturing". Or "hypocritical" for not being "perfect" (in a fossil fuel monopolized society).

In a world of "normal" homo sapiens, many of whom don't "believe" (understand) that they're animals (homo sapiens), "normal" is, in part, at times, seriously, some crazy shit (colloquially speaking)

However, so as to try and avoid "lecturing" (how dare l suggest l am healthier than "normal" - to a ), l will now simply describe one, out of a multitude, of "normal" (common, average) social interactions that l have had the misfortune to experience with the average "normal" adult.

As normal (in many cultures. E. g., towns, cities, countries. I.e., "normal" human behaviours), an "adult" is burning something or another and causing smoke pollution. It used to be quite normal (quite often) for me to try to talk about smoke pollution to these average adults doing their "normal" air polluting activities (trying to "educate" is perceived as "lecturing" - by the dim wit). Until l realised that they were beyond help (beyond the scope of reason).

l'd try various methods to infer the general science, the actual reality in this context, that smoke pollution is extremely harmful. That, together with the rest of the air pollution that "normal" people are exposed to during their lives, smoke pollution is another "nail" in their "coffins". In other words, air pollution is so "normal", so common in many "normal" cultures, that humans dying prematurely - due to the effects of prolonged exposure to air pollution; is a normal way to die (painfully).

But, normal people are ignorant fools (more often than not. In an ecological context). In that, because they don't have the background knowledge, the intelligence, to perceive that it's them that are making quite normal mistakes, they never learn (they can't learn from the mistakes that they're not aware they're making). "Normal" people are not scientists. "Normal" people believe in spirits ("ghosts") and all sorts of crazy, but quite normal!, (average) beliefs.

Now, here is the "rub", subjectively, psychologically, "normal" people, the average behavioural psychology of humans, are detached from reality, in part, at more times than is healthy for them. For them, wood smoke is a normal part of their life. The pathologies (e.g., coughing, stress), the diseases that air pollution causes are normal (average symptoms) aspects of their life experiences. Being scientifically illiterate is all they "know". Their imaginations, that they don't understand are not objective reality, are their realities.

They really do believe in ghosts ("spiritual"). They really do believe that burning wood is natural, therefore can't be "that bad" (not that they question their "normal behaviours).

Don't get me wrong (as "normal" folk regular do. Often intentionally - when honesty doesn't "suit" their normal agenda's & false assumptions), "normal" can be healthy. For "normal" to be truly healthy, "normal" must become average. For example, it should be normal for adults to want to breath clean air. It's not normal, there is something wrong (a mistake) when populations of adults are not aware of how their air polluting activities are harming everyone's health. By definition, if these adults were aware, but didn't care, that is, by definition, sociopathological (insanity).

However, the good news, at least from my point of view as an psychologist, is that they are, on average, "simply" .

Green washing is quite normal - in a world of people where "normal" is .

#greenwashed #narcissist #sociopath #narcissism #ecocide #psychology #ecopath

Last updated 2 years ago

Gladwyn d’Souza · @godsouza
64 followers · 532 posts · Server sfba.social
UmWerker 🕊 ☮️ · @UmWerker
80 followers · 4033 posts · Server todon.nl

The Commission has already and power. Now airplanes are also to be declared as "sustainable". Just because they use 10 to 20% less fuel? When will the blonde joke figure finally be replaced there?

#nuclear #gas #greenwashed #eu

Last updated 2 years ago

Gerrit Unschleff · @GerritUnschleff
5 followers · 173 posts · Server troet.cafe

Herr packt das Übel an der Wurzel. Hoffentlich kommt das uneingeschränkt durch und macht Schule.
Gleiches bitte für und andere , süchtig machende , , und sonstige betrügerische Produkte und Dienstleistungen.


#greenwashed #klimaschadliche #drogen #alkohol #werbeverbot #ozdemir

Last updated 2 years ago

Andrew Thompson · @greenaspen
500 followers · 2946 posts · Server mastodon.scot

@inotpigeon this is a tragic political betrayal of ’s interests by . But where were the @ScottishGreens Ministers in , who should have been standing this up as a 🛑 for their continued support for this supine @Thesnp ?
with a badge are still a race to the bottom in terms of facilitating and of and

#workersrights #environment #deregulation #capture #corporate #green #greenwashed #freeports #gov #redline #scotgov #snp #scotland

Last updated 2 years ago

Hazel · @HazelWood
123 followers · 147 posts · Server independent-media.co.uk
radiocron · @radiocron
76 followers · 1223 posts · Server mastodon.social

NO I do not support Nazis, even when they come on here as "ethical hackers"

Why should I spend another year fighting your battles when you can not support the sick, the elderly, and the homeless?

Like Israel, exactly like Israel, San Francisco offer all the joys of Liberal Democracy to those insiders who can afford it.
Now tell me about your fusion: nuclear technology, that will benefit the military with a new generation of weapons, and incidentally,

#ukrainian #greenwashed #california

Last updated 2 years ago

Gary :rainbow_flag: :oa: · @empiricism
149 followers · 243 posts · Server qoto.org


", I'm curious, is this a thing, or do you have this where you live? "

That's a considered question.

There are some good examples of eco-sustainable practices where I live (UK). Unfortunately, the majority of people simply don't think too deeply about the subject. And are in fact and or apathetic about mitigating climate change.

Where I live - certain "big business" industries do the opposite of helping by sending greenwash propaganda into people's homes (e.g., letterboxes, TV, & social media in general). For example and to paraphrase the greenwash "burn wood good" or buy "carbon lean wood fuel".

"It’s time to stop pretending burning forest biomass is carbon neutral" doi.org/10.1111/gcbb.12716

Conclusion: “use of wood stoves may be linked to as many as 30% of all cancers occurring in the region”. doi.org/10.1093/ije/27.6.936

However, because the UK is a wealthy country (e.g., many billionaires) - people could have their homes retrofitted so as to use low-energy heat pumps for home heating. Unfortunately, many of those billionaires have made their money from investing in the fossil fuels and the woodfuel industries (e.g., venture capitalists)

" is this a thing"

Nope! Generally, it's a greenwashed or not greenwashed culture thing

#swedish #greenwashed

Last updated 2 years ago