Achtung #Greenwashing! Blue Carbon aus #Dubai will in #Liberia 1 Mio ha #Regenwald „sichern“. Nicht aus Liebe zur Natur, sondern um mit #CarbonCredits Geld zu verdienen. Das ist keine Lösung für die #Klimakrise! Bitte UNTERSCHREIBT + TEILT die #Petition!
#greenwashing #dubai #liberia #regenwald #carboncredits #klimakrise #petition
Achtung #Greenwashing! Blue Carbon aus #Dubai will in #Liberia 1 Mio ha #Regenwald „sichern“. Nicht aus Liebe zur Natur, sondern um mit #CarbonCredits Geld zu verdienen. Das ist keine Lösung für die #Klimakrise! Bitte UNTERSCHREIBT + TEILT die #Petition!
#greenwashing #dubai #liberia #regenwald #CarbonCredits #klimakrise #petition
Exclusive: British Gas staff wrongly tell our reporter hydrogen will replace gas and that new boilers can burn it
#UKPol #UkPolitics #Greenwashing #Environment #Climatechange #Climate #BritishGas #Hydrogen
#ukpol #ukpolitics #greenwashing #environment #climatechange #climate #britishgas #hydrogen
#Greenwashing: RNG IDU: pressing the TSY Dept to adopt a controversial emissions accounting practice *roots in CAs LCFS. Watchdogs: starting to be abused in CA -allows producers of hydrogen/other fuels to CXL out their emissions by purchasing “carbon-neg.” credits from comm. dairies & livestock ops. that capture the planet-warming methane. Critics: more effective at turning factory-farm manure lagoons into subsidy gold mines than: Reducing the carbon intensity of fuels-:
Voici, sur, la traduction en français de l'article "Darning the Planet" publié originellement sur le blogue Sidecar de New Left Review. Avec une belle pique contre l'absurdité du "bonus réparation textile" de la #Macronie. #climat #greenwashing
#greenwashing #Climat #macronie
Verhinderte Proteste gegen die #IAA: Umdenken politisch unterstützen! · - Schwerpunkt #Klimawandel
"Es ist noch immer der Deutschen liebstes Hobby, das Autofahren. Doch das muss sich schnell ändern, sonst werden die Folgen der Klimakatastrophe uns noch brutaler und früher treffen als ohnehin schon. Aber der Umstieg von Millionen Menschen auf Bus und Bahn wird nicht gelingen, wenn man ihn der Gesellschaft allein überlässt – das haben Tausende Autofans am Wochenende gezeigt. …
Autos und Parkflächen müssen teurer werden und aus städtischen Räumen verschwinden, #Fahrradwege und der #ÖPNV müssen ausgebaut werden, die Bahn muss ihr Chaos in den Griff kriegen und schnell, zuverlässig und günstig werden. Neue Autobahnprojekte wie die teure und unnötige #A100 in Berlin müssen beerdigt werden. Und nicht zuletzt darf weder in München noch anderswo die Innenstadt, der öffentliche Raum, mehr für die #Greenwashing-Show der #Autoindustrie geopfert werden."!5956522/
#iaa #KlimaWandel #fahrradwege #opnv #a100 #greenwashing #Autoindustrie
Je me demande s'il existe des mécanismes de compensation carbone à peu près écologiques / utiles / pas trop #greenwashing.
Si un vol est absolument nécessaire, sans se donner bonne conscience pour autant, est-il possible de réparer un peu le #climat ?
Big businesses have pledged to plant trees and restore ecosystems, but there is little accountability for their actions. The pledges are often vague, unverified, and lack scientific rigor. This could undermine the efforts of genuine conservationists and create a false sense of progress.
#treeplanting #ecosystemrestoration #greenwashing
Statt Profite und #greenwashing auf Kosten unserer Zukunft, brauchen wir kollektive, soziale und klimagerechte Mobilitätsformen für alle Menschen!
#ottcity #transit #justice Even after 7 PM today #octranspo was diverting buses from the transit-way east of Lincoln Fields so the wealthy Island Park residents can have 'bike days' on it.
#ottawacity Think of how many hundreds of busses are diverted every weekend, delaying thousands of riders and burning millions in extra fuel.
This is not climate action or resource equity.
#NCC stop #greenwashing #bikedays
#ottcity #transit #justice #octranspo #ottawacity #ncc #greenwashing #bikedays
#linkedin ist ein Ort der professionellen Dummheit, in der sich die Leute fast nur gegenseitig Schulter klopfen.
Dort finde ich sehr wenig kreativen und konstruktiven Inhalt. Aber am schlimmsten finde ich das andauernde #greenwashing von Unternehmen und Verbreitung liberaler Märchen.
#CO2Rail, einer der dreistesten #Greenwashing-Versuche, der uns bislang untergekommen ist.
#CO2Train, einer der dreistesten #Greenwashing-Versuche, der uns bislang untergekommen ist.
Die #IAA23 endet, und wir waren zusammen mit vielen anderen laut und mit dabei: Kein #greenwashing der #Autoindustrie – eine bessere #Mobilität für Alle!
#noIAA #SystemChangeNotClimateChange
@attac @sand_im_Getriebe @VCDeV @ADFC @greenpeace_de @NaturFreunde @umwelthilfe @mobilitaetswende_camp_muc
#iaa23 #greenwashing #autoindustrie #mobilitat #noiaa #systemchangenotclimatechange
@mk30 @compost this looks like a perfect example of #Greenwashing. Do some token half assed gesture, add a label to it, then celebrate how environmentally friendly the company is in all their corporate advertising, allowing their downstream clients to do the same - but nothing has still changed. It's still just garbage.
#Greenwashing! Blue Carbon aus #Dubai will in #Liberia 1 Mio ha #Regenwald „sichern“. Nicht aus Liebe zur Natur, sondern um mit #CarbonCredits Geld zu verdienen. Keine Lösung für die #Klimakrise! Bitte UNTERSCHREIBT+TEILT #Petition! via @RettetRegenwald
#greenwashing #dubai #liberia #regenwald #carboncredits #Klimakrise #petition
Many of the world’s largest companies have voluntarily planted trees and taken other actions to meet #climate goals and restore ecosystems, but a “near total” lack of transparency makes it impossible to assess the quality and results of those restoration projects, a team of researchers concluded in a Policy Forum paper published in Science.
#greenwashing #Sustainability #climatecrisis
#climate #greenwashing #sustainability #climatecrisis
TotalEnergies, one of the largest fossil fuel companies in the world, is one of the official sponsors of the Rugby World Cup in France. By pumping money into a global sporting event, Total is hoping we won’t notice the catastrophic damage that fossil fuel companies are causing to the lives of everyone on the planet. Sign the #petition demanding an end to fossil fuel crimes… #greenwashing #climatechange #climate #climatecrisis
#climatecrisis #climate #climatechange #greenwashing #petition
TotalEnergies, one of the largest fossil fuel companies in the world, is one of the official sponsors of the Rugby World Cup in France. By pumping money into a global sporting event, Total is hoping we won’t notice the catastrophic damage that fossil fuel companies are causing to the lives of everyone on the planet.
Sign the #petition demanding an end to fossil fuel crimes… #greenwashing
"Green Growth" will not stop climate change. It will only continue to make things worse.
And there is no such thing as "sustainable" capitalism. That is simply an impossibility.
Let's learn more...
With global temperatures soaring to record highs, it might be worthwhile to check in on the progress of the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA), signed into law by President Biden one year ago.
Passage of the act was met with accolades. Mainstream environmentalists declared it a “game changer” and a “seismic shift.”
But are we actually on track to avert climate catastrophe? How much money is being spent, and where is it being targeted? Are there trends we can identify at this early stage? To state the obvious, time is not on our side, and an assessment of where we stand in terms of benchmarks and emissions is crucial.
Arguably, the sector where the IRA has had the most immediate impact is the manufacturing of electric vehicles, identified as a primary goal towards “decarbonizing” the transportation system.
For example, Ford Motor Company, whose profit last year was more than $23 billion, was given 9 billion taxpayer dollars to build an electric vehicle factory in Tennessee. Even with the substandard wages they will pay their workers in that “right-to-work” state, Ford claimed it needed this “incentive” to compete with Chinese auto manufacturers.
Setting aside the corporate-friendly way the law encourages the build-out of this new industry, can anyone really believe it is “green”? Is there any accounting for the embedded emissions, not to mention the overall ecological impact, involved in replacing 275 million private vehicles with shiny new electric ones?
Already 52 new mining and manufacturing projects have been announced — with $56 billion in investment proposed.
The article goes on to examine other #greenwashing initiatives, like direct air capture and so-called green hydrogen, along with the push for even more consumer-driven economic growth.
#Environment #Climate #ClimateChange #ClimateCrisis #ClimateEmergency #Capitalism #BusinessAsUsual
#greenwashing #environment #climate #ClimateChange #ClimateCrisis #ClimateEmergency #capitalism #businessasusual