Event: How Much of the internet is covered by #NetZero targets?
Volunteers sought for new #datamapping #greenweb project from @mrchrisadams & the #GreenWebFoundation & #WikiRate to identify which hosting/infrastructure providers are serious about their Net Zero targets and who's #greenwashing.
#netzero #datamapping #greenweb #greenwebfoundation #wikirate #greenwashing
Hi Chris, congratulations to you and your team at the #GreenWebFoundation.
Would you be interested in writing a guest blog post for us at https://greeneralia.org about what you do and what the rest of us can do to help?
Including details of slots you are currently looking to fill?
Greeneralia is live, but we are still working on the format so have not publicised etc as yet.
@zepfanman @greenfediverse @aligyie Indeed #GreenWebFoundation collects some interesting raw data but they are naïve about CF and #GreenFediverse is more refined in that regard. GF uses GWF input but filters out some of the garbage they missed. A better page to promote for #climateAction is this one: https://greenfediverse.codeberg.page/green-instances/
#greenwebfoundation #greenfediverse #climateaction
#co2 aware scheduling of workload described by Chris Adams ( #greenWebFoundation & #greenSoftwareFoundation ):
"many computation workloads (such as some learning or big data) can be flexible in time (scheduled for delayed execution) and space (transferred across any geographical distance with limited cost). This opens the possibility of shifting workloads in time and space to take advantage in real time of any amount of excess renewable energy, which otherwise would be curtailed and wasted. Initial results show that a single #datacenter that time shifts load can reduce its #emissions by 19% or more annually"
#greenFediverse #greenIT #sustainability #sustainable #software
For more, join the the discussion:
#cncf #software #sustainable #sustainability #greenit #greenfediverse #emissions #datacenter #greenSoftwareFoundation #greenwebfoundation #co2
#greenSoftwareFoundation needs help:
"I'm looking for recommendations for an analyst or boutique analyst firm to help us get a landscape analysis together, and map out the different areas of focus these groups have.
The primary goal is helping inform the green software foundations own policy advocacy over the next 24 months or so, but I'm hoping we'll end up with some shareable artefact that might be relevant for other groups in this field as well.
This a funded project, and we're intending to commission it over the summer, to end up with a deliverable that lists existing initiatives and how they might relate to existing anticipated policy changes over the next 24 months. We have an annual drumbeat of the COP process now for example, as well as energy market reform in various regions, along with new requirements on emissions disclosure coming in Europe and the States as examples which are likely to be drivers in this field."
#greenwebfoundation #greenfediverse #greenit #greenSoftwareFoundation
@greenfediverse 🔼 man müsste sich mal deren Nachhaltigkeit genauer anschauen und welche Datacenter dahinterstehen. Und eventuell mal nachfragen warum die nicht in der #greenWebFoundation gelistet sind
@MastOHelp leider ist bei https://instances.social keine Information darüber, ob die Instanz mit Ökostrom betrieben wird... weißt du wer der zuständige Entwickler ist? Vielleicht lässt sich die Übersicht mit den Daten von #greenFediverse bzw. der #greenWebFoundation anreichern, welche eine API anbieten.
#greenwebfoundation #greenfediverse
Another really good link from today's ClimateAction.tech newsletter…
There's a new figure for the #carbonintensity per GB of the web. It's v3 of WholeGrain Digital's figure with EcoPing, #GreenWebFoundation & others:
0.81 kWh/GB
The global grid is 442g CO2eqv/kWh and a renewable/nuclear grid (ie France, Norway, Costa Rica) is 50g/kWh.
Most helpfully they split emissions by category:
Consumer device = 52%
Network = 14%
Data center = 15%
Production = 19%
#greenwebfoundation #carbonintensity
@EDPS Awesome! 🇪🇺
#foss #decentralize #eu #europa no #bigtech no #gafam #green #greenWebFoundation #greenIT
Next thing what I'm waiting for:
● #righttorepair and
● #DueDiligence #lieferkettengesetz #ESG #supplychain #Transparenz
#transparenz #supplychain #esg #lieferkettengesetz #duediligence #righttorepair #greenit #greenwebfoundation #green #gafam #bigtech #europa #eu #decentralize #foss
@ebildungslabor ein Blick in die #greenWebFoundation lohnt sich immer:
#greenfediverse #greenwebfoundation
@Strubbl @Tifi @mondstern@mastodon.technology @caos
Interessante #osm links postet ihr da!
Wisst ihr zufällig, wo diese genannten Seiten ihre Server stehen haben?
In der #greenwebfoundation findet man dort leider keine Einträge:
Ich bin immer noch auf der Suche nach #maps die "grün" gehostet sind. Wenn jemand was weiß, würde ich mich freuen
#greenfediverse #maps #greenwebfoundation #osm
Gibt es eine Übersicht der verschiedenen #Wordle Seiten?
Und welche davon laufen mit erneuerbaren Energieen?
#gwf #greenwebfoundation #greenweb #greenIT #green #greenfediverse
#greenfediverse #green #greenit #greenweb #greenwebfoundation #gwf #Wordle
Interessanter Vortrag von Anke Domscheit-Berg, der auch den Aspekt der #Nachhaltigkeit in der öffentlichen #IT anspricht!
@chaoszone #rc3 #chaoszone #greenIT #green #greenwebfoundation
#greenwebfoundation #green #greenit #chaoszone #rC3 #it #nachhaltigkeit
Schon gewusst, dass die ARD ein Arbeitskreis "#Green Shootings" hat, die versucht Fernsehproduktionen nachhaltiger zu gestalten.
Dies gibt es im Nachhaltigkeitsbericht zu lesen: https://ard.de/nachhaltigkeit
#ClimateChange #greenIT #netflix #climatechange #co2 #greenwebfoundation #streaming #fernsehen #tatort #umweltschutz
#umweltschutz #tatort #fernsehen #streaming #greenwebfoundation #co2 #netflix #greenit #climatechange #green
Was ist eure Meinung?
Sollte die #ARD #Mediathek mehr #Nachhaltigkeit und #Transparenz im Angebot haben?
#ClimateChange #greenIT #netflix #climatechange #co2 #greenwebfoundation #streaming
#streaming #greenwebfoundation #co2 #netflix #greenit #climatechange #transparenz #nachhaltigkeit #mediathek #ard
@greenfediverse I know this climaneutraldatacentre list already :)
And it's already included here:
(I have dropped an email to the ones which are not part of the greenwebfoundation database. E.g. there was a polish hoster which was very happy about the greenwebfoundation)
From my perspective it is not too bad. I see it as an agreement to work together to reduce the overall CO2 emission as a whole industry. So I don't see it as a competitor to the #greenwebfoundation but as supplement. As you know, "hosted green" != fully powered by renewable energy != co2neutral. Personally, I'm looking forward to see green hosting greener.
Here, look at this list: https://www.klimaschutz.de/sites/default/files/izt_text_5-2015_mobicheck.pdf
Check pdfpage 54, there is a lot of difference between different "green hosting providers" just in terms of electricity. And there are much more dimensions of sustainability other than heat management, electricity and efficiency, like long-lasting/circular hardware lifecycle or the footprint of the building.
Today I moved my webpage to the #green hoster Strato, making my webpage part of #GreenWebFoundation. I also implemented HTTP caching for Rocket in #Rust.
That was a lot of fun!
#green #greenwebfoundation #rust