Really good to get back in my workshop for a couple of hours this afternoon. It has been way too long!
#greenwoodwork #polelathe #handtools
#greenwoodwork #polelathe #handtools
Finished sharpening all my tools, then...
An enjoyable couple of hours.
Roughing out these Laburnum spoons.
This is the first time really working on axing since my bicep injury.
Sore now so time to rest.
#STiRWoodcraft #SpoonAndTreen #Spoon #Treen #Sloyd #Slöjd #Ramsgate #EastKent #Kent #SouthEast #MentalWellBeing #SpoonCarving #PracticeEveryDay #DailyMeditation #MakersGonnaMake #CarveEveryDay #GreenWood #GreenWoodcraft #GreenWoodwork #WithAxeAndKnife #Handtools #CarvedWithLoveAndCare
#stirwoodcraft #spoonandtreen #spoon #treen #sloyd #slojd #ramsgate #eastkent #kent #southeast #mentalwellbeing #spooncarving #practiceeveryday #dailymeditation #makersgonnamake #carveeveryday #greenwood #greenwoodcraft #greenwoodwork #withaxeandknife #handtools #carvedwithloveandcare