Aral Balkan · @aral
32854 followers · 23401 posts · Server

The number of people who actually believed Mozilla is launching Greenzilla to fight the climate emergency funded by half-a-billion dollars every year from ExxonMobil tells you everything you need to know about Mozilla.

(Mozilla is a not-for-profit foundation that owns a for-profit corporation and says it exists to protect your privacy while being funded by half a billion dollars a year from Google.)

#mozilla #greenzilla #parody #institutionalcorruption #google #privacy

Last updated 2 years ago

Aral Balkan · @aral
32853 followers · 23375 posts · Server

Mozilla announces they’re launching Greenzilla to tackle the climate emergency…

Greenzilla will be a not-for-profit foundation that owns a for-profit corporation that is funded by half-a-billion dollars every year from ExxonMobil.

Tech folks: wow, that sounds great! Thank you for saving the environment, Greenzilla!

#greenzilla #mozilla #google #siliconvalley #institutionalcorruption #privacy #publicrelations #pr #lobbying #whitewashing #bullshit

Last updated 2 years ago