Former federal health minister Greg Hunt has landed another taxpayer funded job at Melbourne University.
This bloke put up a Liberal Party stooge to take the elected Victorian government to court over covid measures, but now he wants us to take covid more seriously.
These “free market” legends who spent their time in Canberra shitting on the poor expect us to believe they care the moment they retire.
Greg Hunt still hasn’t explained the dodgy deals that hindered the federal covid response, he should be quiet.
Next week we welcome #GregHunt to the A Photographic Life podcast to explain what photography means to him. Available wherever you get your podcasts #skatelife #photography
#greghunt #skatelife #photography
Australien: Geimpft, aber eingesperrt im eigenen Land
Der australische Gesundheitsminister Greg Hunt traut der bisher vielgerühmten und als DIE Lösung in der grassierenden Coronaviruspandemie gepriesenen Impfung offenbar nicht so recht, denn er hat auf einer Pressekonferenz bekannt gegeben, daß man selbst dann, wenn die gesamte Bevölkerung […]
#Gesellschaft #Politik #Rezension #Australien #Coronviruspandemie #Covid-19-Schutzimpfung #GregHunt #Impfung #Reisefreiheit
#politik #rezension #australien #impfung #gesellschaft #Coronviruspandemie #covid #greghunt #reisefreiheit