This week I read Dead Famous by Greg Jenner. It’s a history of the concept of celebrity, and as such not the sort of book I normally read. I found it more academic than I was expecting, and this made it quite dense than I had anticipated, and therefore slower going. There is a cast of thousands, and I couldn’t keep track of them through repeat appearances. I felt like I should be taking notes, which wouldn’t be fun. Interesting, but not really for me.
#gregjenner #deadfamous #amreading
I’m a MASSIVE #HistoryNerd, so while I’m #crocheting, #knitting, or even building #Lego, I like to listen to #podcasts. Here’s one of my favourites, #YoureDeadToMe, hosted by #GregJenner (he was the head writer for #HorribleHistories). This episode is about #BlackGeorgianEngland. Give it a listen!
#HistoryNerd #crocheting #knitting #lego #podcasts #youredeadtome #gregjenner #HorribleHistories #blackgeorgianengland
Recommended: Past Forward: A Century of Sound. Greg Jenner takes a deep dive into the BBC archive to explore what it can tell us about who we are now.
#gregjenner #bbc #pastforward #history #radio