Inspired by the #Dies #irae #gregorian #sequence
If you like, you can have a 95% discount valid on everything using the code:
(full discography less than 2EUR) works only on desktop, not on the app
Take care and enjoy the music!
Love from Italy,
#bandcamp #BandcampFriday #discount #music #electronicmusic #fedimusic #Fediverse #mastomusic #mastodon #synth #techno #disco #electronic #producer #composer #Italy #sabbath #elijax
#elijax #italy #composer #producer #electronic #disco #techno #synth #Mastodon #mastomusic #Fediverse #fedimusic #electronicmusic #music #discount #BandcampFriday #Bandcamp #sequence #gregorian #irae #dies #sabbath
Inspired by the #Dies #irae #gregorian #sequence
If you like, you can have a 95% discount valid on everything using the code:
(full discography less than 2EUR) works only on desktop, not on the #bandcamp app
Check the link on the #youtube video!
Take care and enjoy the #music!
Love from Italy,
#Bandcamp #music #electronic #electronicmusic #bandcampcodes #sundayvibes
#sundayvibes #bandcampcodes #electronicmusic #electronic #music #youtube #Bandcamp #sequence #gregorian #irae #dies
Inspired by the #Dies #irae #gregorian #sequence
If you like, you can have a 95% discount valid on everything using the code:
(full discography less than 2EUR) works only on desktop, not on the app
Love from Italy,
#bandcamp #BandcampFriday #discount #music #electronicmusic #fedimusic #Fediverse #mastomusic #mastodon #synth #techno #disco #electronic #producer #composer #Italy #sabbath #elijax #friday
#friday #elijax #italy #composer #producer #electronic #disco #techno #synth #Mastodon #mastomusic #Fediverse #fedimusic #electronicmusic #music #discount #BandcampFriday #Bandcamp #sequence #gregorian #irae #dies #releaseday #sabbath
Inspired by the #Dies #irae #gregorian #sequence
If you like, you can have a 95% discount valid on everything using the code:
(full discography less than 2EUR) works only on desktop, not on the app
Take care and enjoy the music!
Love from Italy,
#bandcamp #BandcampFriday #discount #music #electronicmusic #fedimusic #Fediverse #mastomusic #mastodon #synth #techno #disco #electronic #producer #composer #Italy #sabbath #elijax
#elijax #italy #composer #producer #electronic #disco #techno #synth #Mastodon #mastomusic #Fediverse #fedimusic #electronicmusic #music #discount #BandcampFriday #Bandcamp #sequence #gregorian #irae #dies #sabbath
Dear Music Friends,
SABBATH is out today.
Inspired by the #Dies #irae #gregorian #sequence
If you like, you can have a 95% discount valid on everything using the code:
(full discography less than 2EUR)
Take care and enjoy the music!
Love from Italy,
#bandcamp #BandcampFriday #discount #music #electronicmusic #fedimusic #Fediverse #mastomusic #mastodon #synth #techno #disco #electronic #producer #composer #Italy #sabbath #elijax
#elijax #sabbath #italy #composer #producer #electronic #disco #techno #synth #Mastodon #mastomusic #Fediverse #fedimusic #electronicmusic #music #discount #BandcampFriday #Bandcamp #sequence #gregorian #irae #dies
Jezebel: Sex. Celebrity. Politics. With Teeth: How to Dress for Tomato Season #Jezebel #sandiegohatcompany #beefsteaktomato #camparitomato #cherrytomato #ericjavits #earlygirl #brandyboy #katespade #gregorian #solanum #tomato #childs #etsy
#jezebel #sandiegohatcompany #beefsteaktomato #camparitomato #cherrytomato #ericjavits #earlygirl #brandyboy #katespade #gregorian #solanum #tomato #childs #etsy
Ich habe gerade gesehen, dass #Gregorian Anfang des Jahres in Deutschland auf Tour waren. Komplett verpasst. Ärgerlich. Vor 8 Jahren das Konzert in der Kirche war mit das beste Konzert, das ich jemals besucht habe.
For those who cannot read #Persian, the top caption reads:
"Mist in the Amazon jungle."
The word مه also translates to May, the 5th month in the #Gregorian #calendar however, it is due to being borrowed from #French "mai."
Spoiler alert: All Gregorian months in Persian are borrowed from French.
#persian #gregorian #calendar #French
Heute eine kurze Einführung ins #gregorianische #choral. Faszinierend.
Das Bild zeigt Gott, als Heilige Geist in Form einer Taube, wie er die Gesänge in sein Ohr flüstert, damit er sie schreiben lassen kann.
Had an introduction to #gregorian #chant today. Fascinating!
The picture shows God, in the shape of the Holy Ghost as a dove, whispering the chants in his ear, so he can have them written down.
#chant #gregorian #choral #gregorianische
Right now, the Abendmusiken Basel Ensemble performs #Hruby #Foggia and #Gregorian music in #Basel #wch
#hruby #foggia #gregorian #basel #wch
In 15 minutes, the Abendmusiken Basel Ensemble performs #Hruby #Foggia and #Gregorian music in #Basel #wch
#hruby #foggia #gregorian #basel #wch
Today, the Abendmusiken Basel Ensemble performs #Hruby #Foggia and #Gregorian music in #Basel #wch
#hruby #foggia #gregorian #basel #wch
Right now, the Ensemble Heinavanker performs de Orte, von Bingen, de Machaut and #Gregorian songs in #Dormagen #wch
In 20 minutes, the Ensemble Heinavanker performs de Orte, von Bingen, de Machaut and #Gregorian songs in #Dormagen #wch
Today, the Ensemble Heinavanker performs de Orte, von Bingen, de Machaut and #Gregorian songs in #Dormagen #wch
In fact, #time keeping is always presented as having been established quite early on, but this is not true. The #Gregorian #calendar was established in 1582 and gradually adopted around the #world. Even then, it's not even the most accurate one. It has a margin of error of 27 sec/year. Compare that to the #Mayan (13 sec/year), revised Julian (2 sec/year) and the Hijri (#Persian; less than 1 sec/year). The Hijri (from the 2nd C BC) is the one if we really want accuracy. Ah, damned Eurocentricism!
#time #gregorian #calendar #world #mayan #persian
I have performed #Gregorian style chant with three choirs. Most notably this 2011 performance of 'Save Me From Bloody Men' from Karl Jenkins, 'The Armed Man'.
#gregorian #genreoftheweek #gregorianchant
It's wild to think it took 150 to 200 years for most of the world to adopt the #Gregorian #calendar.
The third video lesson in my series of all Hebrew YouTube Videos will teach you: Time & Years in Hebrew as it is used in Israel using the Hebrew Calendar contrasted against the Gregorian. I will also explain how numbers in Hebrew are either Masculine or Feminine.
#hebrewbyinbal #time #years #hebrew #lesson #hebrew #judaism #israel #jewish #youtube #video #learnhebrew #shalom #calendar #masculine #feminine #numbers #counting #gregorian #mazeldon #Mastodon
#hebrewbyinbal #time #years #hebrew #lesson #judaism #israel #jewish #youtube #video #learnhebrew #shalom #calendar #masculine #feminine #numbers #counting #gregorian #mazeldon #mastodon
Today in #Connecticut History, January 1: New Year’s Day Get a Brand New Date
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#calendar #CalendarActof1751 #ColonialConnecticut #Gregorian #Julian #NewStyle #NewYearsDay #OldStyle #Parliament
#connecticut #calendar #calendaractof1751 #colonialconnecticut #gregorian #julian #newstyle #newyearsday #oldstyle #parliament