Marking it ‘Christening’ as #Kyiv during the rule of Volodymyr the Great in 988, #Ukraine will celebrate its #StatehoodDay on July 28th for the last time this year. 👉
It will be celebrated on July 15th afterward, as the country has now switched to the #GregorianCalendar.
#kyiv #ukraine #statehoodday #gregoriancalendar
🥥 Slow -- and VERY well-deserved -- applause for your #GregorianCalendar, David! 🥥
@offenesMA @robertcasties ich habe da eine XSLT Implementation für die Umrechnung on gregorianischen, altem und neuem julianischen, hijri, osmanischem Finanzkalender und koptischem Kalender für TEI Editionen geschrieben. Die Konverter sind allerdings unabhängig von TEI:
#Calendar #XML #TEI #JulianCalendar #GregorianCalendar #Hijri #CopticCalendar #OttomanFiscalCalendar
#ottomanfiscalcalendar #copticcalendar #hijri #gregoriancalendar #juliancalendar #tei #xml #calendar
TFW when you’re born on October 6, 1582 😲
I need a better calendar!
Instead of:
yo, jesus was born 2023 years ago you shall be always reminded about that when you think about a fucking time!
And like something that is not using the solar system as a reference so that it can be used across different star systems or ideally galaxies while carrying a meaningful information
#galaxy #calendar #star #starsystem #gregorian #gregorianCalendar
#star #calendar #StarSystem #Gregorian #gregoriancalendar #galaxy
#Shevat (also #Shvat) /ʃəˈvat (Hebrew & English)/ = 5th month of the Jewish #CivilYear, and 11th month of the #liturgicalYear. The word is borrowed from an Akkadian word meaning "strike," probably in reference to seasonal heavy rain in that region at that time of year (January-February in the #GregorianCalendar)
Tu B' Shvat = "15 in Shvat" [15th of Shvat], the New Year of the Trees. Also called Rosh Hashanah La'ilanot (= "head the-year of-trees", i.e. New Year of the Trees) ...
#shevat #shvat #civilyear #liturgicalyear #gregoriancalendar
Yom Saint #Valentine Ha'Kadosh = day [of] Saint Valentine the-holy [(St.) Valentine's Day]
#Av /av/ = the 11th #month of the #civilYear and 5th month of the #liturgicalYear in the #HebrewCalendar. Corresponds to July/August in the #GregorianCalendar. Borrowed from the Akkadian word “abum” meaning “fire month.”
tu = 15 (more in next toot)
b' Ialso be) /bə/ (Hebrew) = prepositional noun prefix roughly equivalent to "in", "at", and "with"
B'Av (bə'ʔav) = in [month of] Av [i.e. "of Av"]
#valentine #av #month #civilyear #liturgicalyear #hebrewcalendar #gregoriancalendar
I've spent the last several months trying to decipher an 1860 English translation of the #SuryaSiddhanta, which was originally written in #Sanskrit and published in its final form in KY 3606 (505 AD). After tracing multiple errors and bugs, I've finally gotten a pretty accurate algorithm which agrees with the methods of late Classical Indian #astronomy as well as observations...
And it looks like modern Indian Solar New Year is actually synched to the #GregorianCalendar.
#suryasiddhanta #sanskrit #astronomy #gregoriancalendar #programming
#MizrachiChristians = Eastern Orthodox Christians, who follow the #JulianCalendar (a calendar developed under Julius Caesar); the #GregorianCalendar modified it very slightly to correct for solar drift (the Julian has 1 too many leap days every 400 years or so), but as an innovation of the Roman Catholic Church the Orthodox denominations did not adopt it.
#mizrachichristians #juliancalendar #gregoriancalendar
Καλή χρονιά με υγεία!
Happy new year ppl!
#σημερα εκτός από Πρωτοχρονιά στα κράτη που ακολουθούν το #gregoriancalendar και την #japan είναι η δεύτερη μέρα του #hogmanay στη #scotland, τελευταία μέρα του #kwanzaa για τους Αφροαμερικανούς, ημέρα Σύνταγματος στην #italy, ημέρα ίδρυσης της Σλοβακικής Δημοκρατίας στη #slovakia, ημέρα αποκατάστασης της ανεξαρτησίας στην #CzechRepublic, ημέρα απελευθέρωσης των σκλάβων στις #usa και μερικά κράτη της #carribean,
#carribean #USA #CzechRepublic #slovakia #Italy #Kwanzaa #scotland #hogmanay #Japan #gregoriancalendar #σημερα
In the 17th century, #IsaacNewton recognised that the #julianCalendar was deficient but the #GregorianCalendar was too #Catholic for him. He worked on a new calendar whose mean year was just a few seconds shorter than the #TropicalYear (the mean Gregorian year is about 29 seconds longer). Newton viewed this as a feature rather than a bug, because under his system, the dates of the solstices and equinoxes would gradually drift back to those when #Jesus was alive.
#isaacnewton #JulianCalendar #gregoriancalendar #catholic #tropicalyear #jesus
#Sweden decided to adopt the #GregorianCalendar in 1700, but tried to skip issues with skipping days by omitting 11 #LeapYears between 1700 and 1740 until Swedish dates matched those of #Catholic countries. This completely failed, and Sweden just skipped a bnch of days in 1753. In the intervening chaos, February had 30 days in Sweden in 1704 and 1708.
#sweden #gregoriancalendar #leapyears #catholic
The #GregorianCalendar is the one used in most of the world today. It was designed by #ChristopherClavius and #AloysiusLilius, but like the #JulianCalendar, it was named after the bloke who commissioned it.
The main difference is that in the Gregorian calendar, years that are integer multiples of 400 are not leap years.
#gregoriancalendar #christopherclavius #aloysiuslilius #JulianCalendar
The #gregoriancalendar clearly favors cats with 52 #caturday each year, while dogs only have 31 #dogdaysofAugust and perhaps an occasional #DogDayAfternoon
#gregoriancalendar #caturday #dogdaysofaugust #dogdayafternoon
holidays move around: the #GregorianCalendar is a solar calendar, where 1 year corresponds closely to 1 revolution of the Earth around the sun and days of the year always correspond to the position of the sun in the sky and to seasons. Many (but not all) Christian holidays fall on consistent dates in the Gregorian calendar (e.g. Christmas is always December 25, but the date of Easter varies). Drawback: months are not tied to moon cycles.
Well, I think I have the "shape" of my Lisp-version of an arbitrary calendar working. The names don't feel comfortable and the code looks horribly wrong (but that could be just Lisp), but I got:
Still a lot to do to prove this out:
All this just to have a pretty calendar on my website.
🏷️ #GregorianCalendar #Lisp #Scheme #Rust #CSharp #Typescript
#gregoriancalendar #lisp #scheme #rust #csharp #typescript
In the diaspora, we begin to pray for rain in the Amidah 60 days after the start of tekufas Tishrei (the autumn season), because rain before then is bad for the crops in Babylonia. This is not a fixed date on the lunar Hebrew calendar since it involves solar seasons. It is the night of December 4. When the Gregorian calendar skips a leap year, every 400 years, the correct day moves one day later. Starting in 2100, it will be the night of December 5.
#mazeldon #prayerForRain #GregorianCalendar
#mazeldon #prayerforrain #gregoriancalendar
The Orthodox Church Of Ukraine has given permission to parishes to hold #Christmas services on the #GregorianCalendar's 25th December - the same day as western Europe - if they wish. The #church uses the #JulianCalendar which has more leap years, so the Julian 25th December falls on the Gregorian 7th January. The move reflects attitudes towards Russia & Russian culture.
Imagine the #vestry meeting that has to make the decision!
#vestry #juliancalendar #church #gregoriancalendar #christmas
Today is the end of the tax year in the #UK. If you’ve ever wondered why it’s 5 April, which seems rather arbitrary, it’s related to being historically new year’s day in the ecclesiastical calendar or 25 March in the #JulianCalendar. In the #GregorianCalendar, it becomes 5 April.
#uk #JulianCalendar #gregoriancalendar