Gregor Samsa from Franz Kafka’s “Die Verwandlung” (1917) in Bruno Latour’s “Ou suis-je? Leçons du confinement à l'usage des terrestres" (2021). #111Words #BrunoLatour #FranzKafka #GregorSamsa #DieVerwandlung #Metamorphosis #OuSuisJe #AlbertCamus #LeMytheDeSisyphe
#lemythedesisyphe #albertcamus #ousuisje #metamorphosis #dieverwandlung #gregorsamsa #franzkafka #brunolatour #111words
Albert #Camus reckons that "as a creator, #Melville is, for example, at the furthest possible remove from #Kafka". A newly discovered manuscript casts some doubt on this thesis.
#AlbertCamus #HermanMelville #FranzKafka #MobyDick #Metamorphosis #Starbuck #GregorSamsa
#Camus #Melville #kafka #albertcamus #HermanMelville #franzkafka #mobydick #metamorphosis #starbuck #gregorsamsa
Il faut imaginer Gregor Samsa heureux. (Bruno Latour, "Où suis-je? Leçons du confinement à l'usage des terrestres")
#Philosophy #Philosophie #BrunoLatour #FranzKafka #GregorSamsa #DieVerwandlung #LaMétamorphose #Metamorphosis #AlbertCamus #Sisyphus
#sisyphus #albertcamus #metamorphosis #lametamorphose #dieverwandlung #gregorsamsa #franzkafka #brunolatour #philosophie #philosophy
a 2022 highlight:
my stop motion animations included in this exhibit in Sarajevo
#graffiti #comics #speedpasterobot #painting #gnarly #monkeymind #hystericontologic #textpainting #franzkafka #gregorsamsa #metamorphosis #speedpaste #squeeek
#squeeek #speedpaste #metamorphosis #gregorsamsa #franzkafka #textpainting #hystericontologic #monkeymind #gnarly #Painting #speedpasterobot #Comics #Graffiti