#GregoryBenford - What Would #Intelligent #Aliens Mean?
#Philosophy #PhilosophyOfScience #Language #Communication #Intelligence #Sociology #Alien #AlienLife #Humanity #Human #Linguistics #Meaning #Theology #SETI #Astronomy #Astrophysics #CloserToTruth #RobertKuhn
#RobertKuhn #CloserToTruth #astrophysics #astronomy #seti #theology #meaning #linguistics #human #humanity #alienlife #alien #sociology #intelligence #communication #language #philosophyofscience #philosophy #aliens #intelligent #gregorybenford
#GregoryBenford - What's Real About #Time?
#Philosophy #PhilosophyOfScience #PhilosophyOfTime #NatureOfTime #TimeTravel #Paradox #Paradoxes #Causality #Information #QM #QuantumMechanics #QuantumPhysics #Metaphysics #Multiverse #CloserToTruth #RobertKuhn
#RobertKuhn #CloserToTruth #multiverse #metaphysics #quantumphysics #quantummechanics #qm #information #causality #paradoxes #paradox #timetravel #NatureOfTime #philosophyoftime #philosophyofscience #philosophy #time #gregorybenford
#GregoryBenford - What is the Far Far #Future of #Humans in the #Universe?
#Philosophy #PhilosophyOfScience #Science #Physics #Futurology #DeepTime #Engineering #PlanetaryEngineering #Time #Human #HumanSpecies #Earth #PlanetEarth #Climate #HotSun #Mars #Terraform #Terraforming #CloserToTruth #RobertKuhn
#RobertKuhn #CloserToTruth #terraforming #terraform #mars #hotsun #climate #planetearth #earth #humanspecies #human #time #planetaryengineering #engineering #deeptime #futurology #physics #science #philosophyofscience #philosophy #universe #humans #future #gregorybenford
"The woman you created for this novel is an impulsive hormone puppet driven by the inscrutable whim of her periods, haunted by dreams of babies, and absolutely obsessed with managing her image."
Ha! This blogger doesn't hold back about Gregory Benford's paleolithic mediocrity. I was disinclined to read any further volumes of his beyond TIMESCAPE, but if SHADOW OF AN ETERNITY is this racist and sexist, I'm DEFINITELY avoiding picking up any more books penned by this boorish pig.
Gregory Benford's TIMESCAPE has not aged well. Aside from the novel's tendency to have its characters talk like entitled right-wing libertarian snobs, there's also the casual objectification of women (plentiful nipple description, bookstore clerks who exist to be fucked, "thin" and "attractive" Japanese wives who stay silent and docile). I appreciate that Benford brought physics into his narrative, but he is not a natural novelist. He's a smug ogre who isn't nearly as clever as he thinks he is. And he gives science fiction and literature a bad name. I can't believe this sexist horseshit won the Nebula. But, hey, I'll finish it.
#gregorybenford #books #antisexism
"Gregory Benford, who turned 82 last month, suffered a major stroke on December 22.
[Jim Benford, Gregory's twin brother:] I’ve spoken with him, but mostly at him, via FaceTime and, although everyone thinks he’s improving, it seems to me that there’s something missing. My intuition is that he’s not entirely there, as of now. Deep down, he’s confused."
#GregoryBenford has had a stroke. Wishing him a full and quick recovery.
#writer #scifi #gregbenford #gregorybenford