Until we have Republicans called by name as #GregPopovich did, we’re never going to end mass shootings. We need @thedemocrats to stop allowing ppl to say ‘Congress’ needs to act. That generic term allows extreme #MAGAs like Ted Cruz, Marsha Blackburn, Josh Hawley etc on NRA’s payroll to keep hiding & offer thoughts & prayers as mass shootings happen! We know #DemocratsDeliver & wld ban assault weapons if Republicans cared to join! @thedemocrats
#gregpopovich #magas #democratsdeliver
We need more people like #GregPopovich to speak out. “We have a lot of idiots in leadership in many places both local and national, and you have to work to not be angry or depressed about the backsliding we have done in all these areas. #LGBTQ rights is obviously one of those areas.” #spurs #civilRights #Bigotry #Hate #Allies #Vote #GOP
#gregpopovich #lgbtq #spurs #civilrights #bigotry #hate #allies #vote #gop