"Wir können die #Welt nicht #retten, indem wir uns an die #Spielregeln halten. Die #Regeln müssen sich ändern, alles muss sich ändern, und zwar heute." #GretaThunberg
#welt #retten #spielregeln #regeln #gretathunberg
#GoodOregon ! 👋
I live in the #EuropeanOnion . 🇪🇺🧅
Have a #GretaThunberg ! 💪
#goodoregon #EuropeanOnion #gretathunberg #europeanunion #goodmorning #haveagreatday #greatday
#Climate #ClimateCrisis #ClimateChange #Co2 #AlGore #GretaThunberg @ENERGY #CeilingFans
#climate #climatecrisis #climatechange #co2 #algore #gretathunberg #CeilingFans
Az ENSZ döntése erősíti a gyerekek jogait a klímaperekben A Gyermekjogi Egyezmény módosításával biztosítanák a klímaperekhez szükséges jogi hátteret a gyerekeknek, a bizottság szerint ugyanis a környezetrombolás a gyermekek ellen elkövetett strukturális erőszak része. https://qubit.hu/2023/08/28/az-ensz-dontese-erositi-a-gyerekek-jogait-a-klimaperekben #GretaThunberg #klímaválság #TUDOMÁNY #klíma #ENSZ
#gretathunberg #klimavalsag #tudomany #klima #ensz
Stop listening to #gretathunberg and #extinctionrebellion nutters. Be rational like #bjørnLomborg
#gretathunberg #extinctionrebellion #BjornLomborg
Heard earlier this afternoon on #RadioCaroline - 11:29 long #ProgressiveRock track with a sample of #GretaThunberg 's speech in the middle of it from Karnataka (a band based in #Wales, not to be confused with the place in India) - I thought it was something from 1970s until I heard Greta's voice and even then thought it had been randomly added to the the music, but its a brand new track, released in July
#radiocaroline #progressiverock #gretathunberg #wales
Wat is de toekomst van OUDE #muziek. Het publiek is zichtbaar op sterven na dood. Ik ga wel eens gratis naar zo ' n concert. Een alien experience. Voor mij dan ik heb geen klachten gehoord over mij van personen naast mij. HOW DARE YOU. #LittleBritain #Scotland #GretaThunberg #climatechange #humour #music #classical https://oudemuziek.nl/home/
#classical #music #humour #climatechange #gretathunberg #scotland #littlebritain #muziek
Wat is de toekomst van OUDE #muziek. Het publiek is zichtbaar op sterven na dood. Ik ga wel eens gratis naar zo ' n concert. Een alien experience. Voor mij dan ik heb geen klachten gehoord over mij van personen naast mij. HOW DARE YOU. #LittleBritain #Scotland #GretaThunberg #climatechance #humour #music #classical https://oudemuziek.nl/home/
#classical #music #humour #climatechance #gretathunberg #scotland #littlebritain #muziek
Wat is de toekomst van OUDE #muziek. Het publiek is zichtbaar op sterven na dood. Ik ga wel eens gratis naar zo ' n concert. Een alien experience. Voor mij dan ik heb geen klachten gehoord over mij van personen naast mij. HOW DARE YOU. #LittleBrittain #Scotland #GretaThunberg #climatechance #humour #music #classical
#classical #music #humour #climatechance #gretathunberg #scotland #littlebrittain #muziek
"She is #Barbie and I'm #Oppenheimer"
#climate #joy ↔ #anger
#ToriTsui #DominiquePalmer #DaphneFrias #MyaRoseCraig #AtiViviamVillavaña #Gretathunberg #climatecrisis #climatechange #theclimateconversation
#barbie #oppenheimer #climate #joy #anger #toritsui #dominiquepalmer #daphnefrias #myarosecraig #ativiviamvillavana #gretathunberg #climatecrisis #climatechange #theclimateconversation
#ilmasto asiat näemmä vaivasi tänään.
vaikka asiat menee monin tavoin persiilleen, niin pari posia:
1) länsimainen radikaali ilmastoliike, eli #GretaThunberg, koululakot ja #ExtinctionRebellion #Elokapina alkoi vasta 2018. Greta aloitti siis about tasan 5v sitten. 😳🔥
2) sanojen ja tietoisuuden tasolla on tapahtunut todella paljon. #degrowth ja globaali ilmasto-oikeudenmukaisuus on esillä. alkuperäiskansojen rooli samoin. #kapitalismi n maine on about romahtanut.
kortit alkaa olla pöydällä.
#ilmasto #gretathunberg #extinctionrebellion #elokapina #degrowth #kapitalismi
#GretaThunberg: „Ich glaube, dass wir #Autisten in vielerlei Hinsicht die Normalen und die übrigen Menschen ziemlich seltsam sind. Ständig sagen sie, der #Klimawandel sei eine existenzielle Bedrohung und das wichtigste Problem von allen. Und trotzdem machen Sie einfach weiter wie bisher.“ #Autismus
taz vom Montag, 21.8. (Seite 9)
brief des tages
#gretathunberg #autisten #KlimaWandel #autismus
How it all started 5 years ago.
August 20th, 2018: A lonesome fifteen-year-old girl carrying the world on her shoulders outside the Swedish parliament. We Don't Have Time founder was there on the first day of “the school strike for the climate” which started exactly five years ago. Read the unique story on how it all started.
Sometimes nitter doesn't work but this week it's bird.makeup that doesn't work. #GretaThunberg
#FridaysForFuture #ClimateStrike #EndFossilFuels https://nitter.net/GretaThunberg/with_replies
#gretathunberg #fridaysforfuture #climatestrike #endfossilfuels
Role model for five years.
#fridaysforfuture #gretathunberg #climatecrisis
#fridaysforfuture #gretathunberg #climatecrisis
@Sustainable2050 @gretathunberg You've done your bit pretty effectively too, @Sustainable2050. We'd better all keep at it, for Greta and her generation's sake. #GretaThunberg #DavidAttenborough #Climate #SchoolStrikeForClimate
#gretathunberg #davidattenborough #climate #schoolstrikeforclimate
@theautisticcoach @actuallyautistic
We know the answer? What is it?
One thing that nearly all #autists have in common is a deep commitment to #honesty! It shows in different ways. Maybe the main way is that we won't and don't lie. If we do (e.g. #masking) it makes us uncomfortable and stressed...
"I can't lie" — #GretaThunberg
#gretathunberg #masking #honesty #autists