If anyone is interested in who this Andrew Tate guy is that Greta just took down, a few months ago Illuminaughtii did a great video on him.
BE WARNED. he's far more of a piece of shit than you realise. And there's lots of content warnings in this video.
Here's the Video: https://youtu.be/7TwMWv7HG-M
#andrewtate #andrewtatearrested #andrewtatevsgretathunberg #andrewtatebusted #andrewtatearrest #andrewtatetrafficker #andrewtatespenisissosmall #andrewtatepizzabox #andrewtatepizzaboxgategretathunberg #andrewtatemicropenis #gretathurnberg #gretawins #gretathumberg #gretawinstheinternet #gretagotcha #gretatunberg #gretaannihilatesandrew #GretaThunburg #gretathedestroyer
#andrewtate #andrewtatearrested #andrewtatevsgretathunberg #andrewtatebusted #andrewtatearrest #andrewtatetrafficker #andrewtatespenisissosmall #andrewtatepizzabox #andrewtatepizzaboxgategretathunberg #andrewtatemicropenis #gretathurnberg #gretawins #gretathumberg #gretawinstheinternet #gretagotcha #gretatunberg #gretaannihilatesandrew #gretathunburg #gretathedestroyer
#gretathunburg #aoc #malalayousafzai These are the people who are my heroes. They're the people who make me excited for the future.
They're all much younger than me and they've helped me understand that it's time for my generation to ride off into the sunset. We have run out of ideas. It's time to hand the reins to a new generation who will lead us for the next two decades.
#gretathunburg #aoc #malalayousafzai
Yes #gretathunburg handed Andrew Tate his ass. And it was brilliant.
But don't lose perspective that Greta is a #hero because of her tireless #climate activism and her #fearless political agitation. Not because she got a sick burn on a second-rate internet celebrity.
#gretathunburg #Hero #Climate #fearless
Andrew Tate Arrested for sex trafficking.
"The brothers... are under investigation for forming an organized criminal group responsible for kidnapping young women and exploiting them by making them the subjects of porn videos intended to be sold via websites like OnlyFans, sources told Romanian media."
#andrewtate #gretathunburg #sextrafficking #gopedophile
Andrew Tate Arrested for sex trafficking.
"The brothers... are under investigation for forming an organized criminal group responsible for kidnapping young women and exploiting them by making them the subjects of porn videos intended to be sold via websites like OnlyFans, sources told Romanian media."
#andrewtate #gretathunburg #sextrafficking #gopedofiles
RT @Volksverpetzer@twitter.com
Natürlich sind wir aus eurer Sicht moralisch überlegene Gutmenschen. Wir wünschen auch nicht #Merkel, #GretaThunburg und allen, die uns nicht gefallen gleich den Tod und Vergewaltigungen. Aber das war halt früher normal, nur ihr habt euren Anstand verloren.