The pleasure of doing the same thing, in the same way, every day, shouldn't be overlooked. The things I do every day take on a certain beauty and provide a kind of invisible architecture to my life." — Gretchen Rubin — — — #GretchenRubin #quote #quotes #ritual #routine #daily #beauty #ease #outline
#gretchenrubin #quote #quotes #ritual #routine #daily #beauty #ease #outline
Do you choose a 'word' to guide the year? I haven't ever done this, but I am going to do it in 2023. Nothing to lose, right?! My word is ... 'bloom' !! #GretchenRubin
The 10 types of #Loopholes we use (#GretchenRubin)
In writing Better Than Before, one of my favorite topics was the subject of loopholes—the justifications we use to break a habit.