Love the flowers on this. #flowers #grevillias #silkyoak
#flowers #grevillias #silkyoak
This is the view along my rear boundary. My property had been rented for many years and was not cared for. Only the back along the boundary looked any good. It was all planted with natives, clear of weeds and well kept. It turned out that my neighbour took it upon himself to keep it that way as a firebreak and I suspect because he had run out of room on his own land to plant more natives.
The easement is owned by the water company who do absolutely no upkeep. Other parts are overgrown with Blackberry and weeds.
The third picture is of a silky oak (Grevillia Robusta) that he planted 4 or 5 years ago under a grey gum. It's reaching sideways for more sun. If you're looking for Australian native trees that are not Gum trees then Silky Oaks make a great choice.
#Gardening #GardeningAU #AustralianNativePlants #Dandenongs #Grevillias
#gardening #gardeningau #Australiannativeplants #dandenongs #grevillias