Drew a new portrait of my personal favorite raccoon herder, Edith Bouvier Beale, in celebration of this TCM presentation of Grey Gardens!
#TCMParty #GreyGardens #LittleEdie #TheBealesOfGreyGardens #Documentaries #CultMovies #DirectCinema #FanAry #Art #ClassicFilm #NewArt #Drawnderground
#TCMParty #greygardens #littleedie #thebealesofgreygardens #documentaries #cultmovies #directcinema #fanary #art #classicfilm #newart #drawnderground
Grey Gardens (2009)
Une délicieuse satire de l’american way of life, une histoire aussi dingue que ses personnages.
✍️ https://www.senscritique.com/film/grey_gardens/critique/287227521
#GreyGardens #MichaelSucsy #DrewBarrymore #JessicaLange #DanielBaldwin #EdithEwingBouvierBeale #EdithBouvierBeale #BigEdie #LittleEdie #Film #Cinema
#greygardens #michaelsucsy #drewbarrymore #jessicalange #danielbaldwin #edithewingbouvierbeale #edithbouvierbeale #bigedie #littleedie #film #cinema
Grey Gardens (1975)
Une sorte de "Strip Tease" à l'américaine, qui nous dévoile la face cachée de l’american way of life.
✍️ https://www.senscritique.com/film/grey_gardens/critique/256957753
#GreyGardens #AlbertMaysles #DavidMaysles #EdithEwingBouvierBeale #EdithBouvierBeale #BigEdie #LittleEdie #Documentaire #Film #Cinema
#greygardens #albertmaysles #davidmaysles #edithewingbouvierbeale #edithbouvierbeale #bigedie #littleedie #documentaire #film #cinema
When it comes to eccentric, formerly famous, and rich recluses, I'd definitely prefer to spend the weekend with the Beales of Grey Gardens than the Hudson Sisters. Get to hang out with the attic raccoons and listen to showtunes instead of eating birds and getting psychologically abused ...
#TCMParty #whateverhappenedtobabyjane #greygardens
"Dubbed the 'Marble Faun' by Little Edie, viewers spent years wondering about the identity of the young man. But in the 2000s he resurfaced, and the world finally got to know Jerry Torre."
True Story of Grey Gardens’ Twinky Gay Handyman Becoming Feature Film Exec Produced by
Drew Droege, Mother Darling
https://www.queerty.com/the-true-story-of-grey-gardens-twinky-gay-handyman-is-being-turned-into-a-movie-mother-darling-20230329 via Queerty
Photo: Portrait Films
#JerryTorre #MarbleFaunOfGreyGardens #GreyGardens #DrewDroege
#jerrytorre #marblefaunofgreygardens #greygardens #drewdroege
On March 7, 2001, Grey Gardens was screened at the Thessaloniki Documentary Festival. Here’s a drawing of Little Edie Beale that I drew during TCM’s presentation a about a week or so ago!
#GreyGardens #GreyGardens1975 #EdithBouvierBeale #LittleEdie #DocumentaryFilm #BiographicalDocumentary #Documentary #DirectCinema #CinemaVerite #Art #MovieArt #MovieHistory
#greygardens #greygardens1975 #edithbouvierbeale #littleedie #documentaryfilm #biographicaldocumentary #Documentary #directcinema #cinemaverite #art #movieart #moviehistory
What a spectacular film! Off to dream of raccoons eating bread! See you down the schedule folks!
Grey Gardens is kind of like Trash Humpers, but for really classy people, imho!
#TCMParty #greygardens #trashhumpers
I think this frame pretty much sums up why I love this movie.
Who wore it better?
#TCMParty #greygardens #whateverhappenedtobabyjane
#TCMParty And that’s a wrap! Really happy with this one. Can’t believe it took me this long to finally get around to making some Grey Gardens art … Thanks for watching tonight’s new art shape-up, folks!
#TCMParty #greygardens #drawnderground
"He just gave us a washing machine, that seals the deal ..."
@analgesicsleep Grey Gardens should be standard 4th of July viewing like Jaws!
Waiting for TCM to show “Grey Gardens” during the 4th of July
#TCMParty #GreyGardens #LittleEdie
#tcmparty #greygardens #littleedie
@analgesicsleep Justify your unjustifiable affluuence by raising the Titanic, or living in a steam punk zeppelin! At least a Vincent Price-esque character is interesting while evil!
This is the only upper-class party I’ve ever seen where wainscoting has not been discussed. The Beales are good people …
@SchlocklusterVideo Right? Going to all of this trouble killing the planet and us poors when they could be watching “Ice Station Zebra” and wearing nothing but a pink hotel napkin all day
#TCMParty #GreyGardens
I'd love to see Grey Garden remade as a fraternity house gross out comedy movie with the Beales at war with their upright neighbors. Cats jump into the champagne fountain at fancy fundraiser and steal people's entrées. Uptight neighbor: BEALE SISTERS!!!!