Kathy Reid · @KathyReid
1432 followers · 472 posts · Server aus.social

Good morning Mastodon! In today's post, I'd like you all to meet:

@pleia2 - Elizabeth K Joseph is a longtime advocate, and has written books on and 🇺🇸

@mwyres is another person, and he's into and 🇦🇺

@leahdriel is an information science candidate at Western, and she's into (oh you should connect with @eltwilliams!) 🇨🇦

@ejstacey is a (hi all the folks), and he has a beautiful called Althea and she is adorbs! 🇦🇺

@alysonf is a , a and a producer 🇬🇧

@Stavros is a retired an a and is into and 🇦🇺

@amyfou is a and loves . She works with the community in the states building . She is improving her - so folks, say hello. 🇺🇸

@sendai selamat siang, Sendai! Sendai is an 🇮🇩 🇦🇺 person and they post interesting content critical of growth culture.

@craftykraken is a nerd, a and did her postgrad work in . You might want to follow her if you like .

That's all for today, another tomorrow :-)

#connectionlist #connection #introduction #opensource #openstack #linux #geelong #it #footy #phd #complexsystems #sensemaking #transitions #union #activist #antifascist #greyhond #maker #storyteller #digital #teacher #writer #auspol #science #linguist #animals #indigenous #languagetech #code #python #vegan #solarpunk #scifi #gamer #classicalantiquity #zen #buddhism

Last updated 2 years ago

Dismal Manor Gang · @DismalManorGang
93 followers · 362 posts · Server mastodon.online

Ahoy, I’m Rocky and my pronoun is “your lordship” I rule this joint, well, Missy let’s me pretend. That’s her bum to my left. She’s also a former racing . We both are officers of hidden rank in an outfit called @ZombieSquadHQ defenders of the planet from the undead menace and wheelie bin tippers! Behind the scenes, we have a servant that we keep in a cupboard below stairs. their pronoun is or just .

#staff #TheStaff #sillyme #zshq #greyhond #introduction

Last updated 2 years ago