Drama movies released in 2020…pick your favorite.
#greyhound #thewayback #walkawayjoe #capone #movies #cinemastodon #cinema #filmastodon #dramamovies
Le lévrier « mouillé » de Grumman. à lire sur : https://www.avionslegendaires.net/2023/09/actu/le-levrier-mouille-de-grumman — #c2 #greyhound #usnavy #coupdecoeur #aviondetransport #cod #photodelasemaine
#c2 #greyhound #usnavy #coupdecoeur #aviondetransport #cod #photodelasemaine
This really nice thread on riding the bus from @sam got me thinking about all the times I rode the Greyhound across the country way back when.
I used to crochet back then too, before my eyesight deteriorated with age, and my academic colleagues typically saw this as a mildly transgressive gender-bending hobby, of which they approved on those grounds. On the Greyhound, though, the typical assumption was that I'd learned in prison, where crochet is apparently a popular pastime.
Bella and Bruno are having a quick, early, walk because Pippa is at the vets for more X-rays! (Results are odd, possibly another bone cyst?)
Happy #InternationalDogDay! Bianca the #greyhound celebrates by taking a nap!
#internationaldogday #greyhound
Happy #InternationalDogDay from my gangly #greyhound daughter. #DogsOfMastodon
#internationaldogday #greyhound #dogsofmastodon
After a 15 year hiatus, we're getting back into #Greyhound fostering. This is Dwayne.
Part 2 of my x part series detailing my thoughts as I #Travel by #Transit across the #Rustbelt is up!
Check it out.
More hashtags: #Detroit #Buffalo #Amtrak #Greyhound #gentrification #urbanism #PublicTransport
#travel #transit #rustbelt #detroit #buffalo #amtrak #greyhound #gentrification #urbanism #publictransport
Since FlixBus now owns Greyhound which operates Amtrak's Thruway bus services. Can't we bring these all into one conveniently branded Intercity bus service that is user-friendly with cogent maps? #Amtrak #Intercity #Bus #Greyhound #FlixBus
#amtrak #intercity #bus #greyhound #flixbus
Andrew Wilkie has called for a ban on the #greyhound racing industry. It really shouldn't be a novelty that my local MP stands up for what's right, but it's all too rare.
#greyhound #politas #auspol #animalcruelty #clark #andrewwilkie
Roxy is doing her annual Holter monitor check, for the heart issue that started during her Time of Troubles and Misdiagnoses. This time we paused her heart medication to see how things look without it. Partner has been a mess and is convinced every noise is her having another arrhythmia/tachycardia incident. 😢 She’s been off the meds since Sunday and so far is ok. #Greyhound
Cara de lunes.
#Mondog #dogsofmastodon #galgo #greyhound
#greyhound #galgo #dogsofmastodon #Mondog
I enjoy #Photography and probably too many of my rescue #Greyhound ! I love #GreyhoundsOfMastodon #DogsOfMastodon #LurchersOfMastodon . I enjoy #Walking
I have an interest in #Counselling #Psychology the importance of #Compassion . Recently I am really interested in #CompassionFocusedTherapy
I enjoy #WalterPresents as I find a good crime or political drama engaging. I am getting back into #AmateurDramatics I enjoy #Reading
#Reading #amateurdramatics #walterpresents #compassionfocusedtherapy #compassion #psychology #counselling #walking #lurchersofmastodon #dogsofmastodon #greyhoundsofmastodon #greyhound #Photography #Introduction
An #Apanthropist #Geek who enjoys #AmateurRadio using #Computers with #Linux and #Tinkering & #Hacking with #Electronics #Arduino & #RaspberryPi
Interested in #Maths #Science #Technology
I enjoy #Singing as a #Tenor and making noises with with #Organ & #Synth
I love #Greyhounds & #Lurchers as well as #Beer & #Chocolate
#raspi #Math #lurcher #greyhound #hamr #chocolate #Beer #Lurchers #greyhounds #synth #organ #tenor #singing #Technology #Science #maths #RaspberryPi #Arduino #Electronics #Hacking #tinkering #Linux #computers #AmateurRadio #geek #apanthropist #Introduction
1983 Greyhound Commercial
#Greyhound #buses #vintage #retro #tvcommercial
#greyhound #buses #vintage #retro #tvcommercial
“in your car you are removed from the communal, from the people who, behind the scenes, are keeping much of the country going: the cleaners, care workers, manual labourers and those doing necessary work – with little fanfare and often for very little money.”
A beautiful, broken America: what I learned on a 2,800-mile bus ride from Detroit to LA https://www.theguardian.com/travel/2023/jul/26/america-roadtrip-greyhound-bus
1942, Oceano Atlantico
La battaglia tra un cacciatorpediniere americano di scorta ad un convoglio di navi alleate verso l'Inghilterra, e i terribili U-Boot tedeschi…
📝Voto: 6,5
"Greyhound" di Aaron Schneider, 91minuti, 2020.
#greyhound #cinema #film #1agosto #cinemastodon #cineitalia