Backup Nr.6 of "The Roman province of Rhaetia around 200ad, according to Gustav Droysen (1886) based on Claudius Ptolemy"
#map #maps #romanempire #rome #germania #germany #austria #switzerland #GreyLeagues #RhaetoRoman #alps #classicalantiquity #antiquity #historicalmaps #histodon #history #histodons
#map #maps #romanempire #rome #germania #germany #austria #switzerland #greyleagues #rhaetoroman #alps #classicalantiquity #antiquity #HistoricalMaps #histodon #History #histodons
Update for an older map: The Roman province of Rhaetia around 200ad, according to Gustav Droysen (1886) based on Claudius Ptolemy.
#map #maps #romanempire #rome #germania #germany #austria #switzerland #GreyLeagues #RhaetoRoman #alps #classicalantiquity #antiquity #historicalmaps #history
#map #maps #romanempire #rome #germania #germany #austria #switzerland #greyleagues #rhaetoroman #alps #classicalantiquity #antiquity #HistoricalMaps #history
Map depicting the outermost reach of the #SwissConfederation , as in showing modern borders vs areas outside of that which in the past belonged either directly to any current member state of Switzerland, or past associate states, or areas which were part of past associate states. The valley of #Veltlin shown in particular, as it was a major part of the #GreyLeagues , which themselves used to be merely an associate of #Switzerland rather than a member state.
#maps #map #europe #history #HistoricalMaps #ThreeLeagues #Italy #germany #france #alps #aosta #geneva #BadenWurttemberg #alsace #elsass #rottweil #lombardy #holyromanempire #hre #medieval #renaissance
#swissconfederation #veltlin #greyleagues #switzerland #maps #map #europe #history #HistoricalMaps #threeleagues #italy #germany #france #alps #aosta #geneva #BadenWurttemberg #alsace #elsass #rottweil #lombardy #holyromanempire #hre #medieval #renaissance