Ian Hunt · @ianhunt
263 followers · 918 posts · Server mastodon.green

I have a small theory that Grey Squirrel populations help Greater Spotted Woodpecker populations by keeping the supply of dead and dying branches up -- these allow for more/different invertebrates -- but it is just a guess. Over the years we have seen many branches decay through bits of bark being ripped nibbled by squirrels, also by corvids, which then become areas of interest for woodpeckers.

#ecology #greysquirrels #greaterspottedwoodpecker

Last updated 1 year ago

I spotted a grey squirrel in Jesmond Dene!

As Lucya Starza notes, until the medieval period, people believed squirrels (albeit red ones) could travel the length of the country through the Wildwood without touching the ground.

Grey squirrels arrived in England from North America in 1876.

In needlework, squirrels represent mischief. Some writers link them with the fleet-footed trickster, Hermes/Mercury.

#SquirrelsOfMastodon #greysquirrels #FabulousFolklorePodcast #animallore #folklorepodcast

Last updated 2 years ago

Icy Sedgwick · @IcySedgwick
917 followers · 210 posts · Server mastodonapp.uk

I spotted a grey squirrel in Jesmond Dene!

As Lucya Starza notes, until the medieval period, people believed squirrels (albeit red ones) could travel the length of the country through the Wildwood without touching the ground.

Grey squirrels arrived in England from North America in 1876.

In needlework, squirrels represent mischief. Some writers link them with the fleet-footed trickster, Hermes/Mercury.

#SquirrelsOfMastodon #greysquirrels #FabulousFolklorePodcast #animallore #folklorepodcast

Last updated 2 years ago

Coho · @Coho
160 followers · 719 posts · Server climatejustice.social

Animals leave signs, messages, and riddles all over the place for us to read. On today's hike I found these two different styles of opening acorns.
The acorn on the left was opened by a mouse. Mice typically gnaw a round hole on one end.
The acorn on the right was opened by a California gray squirrel. Squirrels shell acorns lengthwise.

#animalsigns #mice #greysquirrels

Last updated 2 years ago

Penny and Patch · @PennyPatch
40 followers · 63 posts · Server mastodon.thirring.org

We want to give a shout out to our squirrel friends 🐿️. They were bedraggled and looked so sad when the snow started last week. Now they've got winter sussed and are looking wonderful! They look a lot happier. We still can't wait for temperatures to rise tomorrow though! 😍😀🥰

#byebyesnow #greysquirrels #helpourwildlife

Last updated 2 years ago