Preparing for Grid Down!
#Becomingselfsustainable #becomingself-sufficient #Energycosts #Extremeenergycosts #Goingsolar #griddown #Installingsolar #selfsustainable #self-sufficient #VegetableGardening
#becomingselfsustainable #becomingself #energycosts #extremeenergycosts #goingsolar #griddown #installingsolar #selfsustainable #self #vegetablegardening
Preparing for Grid Down!
#Becomingselfsufficient #Becomingselfsustainable #Energycosts #Extremeenergycosts #Goingsolar #Griddown #Installingsolar #selfsufficient #selfsustainable #VegetableGarden #VegetableGardenVideos #VegetableGardening #VegetableGardeningVideos
#becomingselfsufficient #becomingselfsustainable #energycosts #extremeenergycosts #goingsolar #griddown #installingsolar #selfsufficient #selfsustainable #vegetablegarden #vegetablegardenvideos #vegetablegardening #vegetablegardeningvideos
Grid failure is a real and imminent threat, a devastatingly deadly occurrence leading to life-threatening shortages of heat, food, and water. #ElectricalGrid #GridDown
Prepare because the odds of it happening are extremely high.
#DennisQuaid documentary 'Grid Down, Power Up' explores dangers of sudden electric grid failure
I believe God gives us many hints before something happens, there's been many for #GridDown
Whether there is any grand conspiracy or not, one thing is sure- the railway infrastructure in the US is crumbling. And, as I understand it, most other infrastructure is in desperate need of maintenance and upgrades to one degree or another across the country. Highways, bridges, tunnels, power grid lines and stations, water lines, sewers and communication. Think about that.
#Ohio #NaturalDisaster #ClimateDisaster #Derailment #GridDown #GridFailure #ExtremeWeather
#ohio #naturaldisaster #climatedisaster #derailment #griddown #gridfailure #extremeweather