A little late to this, but here is an animation of the development of the recent winter storm over continental #USA using daily minimum air #temperature from #GRIDMET.
#EarthEngine #geemap #EOChat #dataviz #geospatial #GeoPython
#geopython #geospatial #dataviz #EOChat #geemap #EarthEngine #gridmet #temperature #usa
Hi folks, because I'm a plodder who often fumbles on first attempts, I'm doing my #introduction again. I'm a civil servant, working in #airquality, #wildfire, #fireemissions, #climatechange, #ecosystemcarbon, #GHGemissionsinventory in California. I use tools such as #GIS, #FOFEM, a bit of #Python, data sources such as #LANDFIRE, #fireperimeters, #gridMET fuel moisture #rasters and whatever i can find. On Mastodon I'd like to connect with #fireecology and #firemodeling, among others.
#introduction #airquality #wildfire #fireemissions #climatechange #ecosystemcarbon #ghgemissionsinventory #GIS #fofem #python #landfire #fireperimeters #gridmet #rasters #fireecology #firemodeling