BrunoMcGee · @BrunoMcGee
190 followers · 1311 posts · Server

Woke up this morning from a dream featuring my late dad and late sister. Ive not had a dream featuring the both of them before. We were driving in an old car to a nearby ATM machine, to withdraw some cash for a road trip. Where to, I'm not sure. But somewhere out here in the West.

#griefislove #westtexas #california

Last updated 2 years ago

Anthony Rapp fans · @anthonyrappfans
29 followers · 162 posts · Server

Every so often I push myself to spend a day feeling the ache of my losses. Friends, parents, relationships, children, pets, and past identities that no longer fit.
It's never an easy day, but I find it a necessary exercise for me that keeps my heart open and grateful.

#grief #griefislove

Last updated 2 years ago

The Committee Weighs In
Andrea Cohen

I tell my mother
I’ve won the Nobel Prize.

Again? she says. Which
discipline this time?

It’s a little game
we play: I pretend

I’m somebody, she
pretends she isn’t dead

#poetry #poet #poetrycommunity #poem #poetrylovers #poems #griefislove

Last updated 2 years ago

By Raymond Carver

Woke up early this morning and from my bed
looked far across the Strait to see
a small boat moving through the choppy water,
a single running light on. Remembered
my friend who used to shout
his dead wife’s name from the hilltops
around Perugia. Who set a plate
for her at his simple table long after
she was gone. And opened the windows
so she could have fresh air. Such display
I found embarrassing. So did his other
friends. I couldn’t see it.
Not until this morning.

#poetry #poet #poetrycommunity #poem #poetrylovers #poems #griefislove

Last updated 2 years ago

PsychTink · @PsychTink
80 followers · 122 posts · Server

This is an incredibly beautiful podcast that is about grief and the loss that both Stephen Colbert and Andersoon Cooper have experienced. No politics at all. They talk about family deaths which include suicide, unexpected death, and expected death. They talk about how grief impacts them in obvious and unknown ways.

#grief #griefislove #podcast #andersoncooper #stephencolbert

Last updated 2 years ago

PsychTink · @PsychTink
35 followers · 54 posts · Server

I'm attempting to remain mindful and allow for a restful pace before heading to my afternoon/evening shift at the Practicum. The pending funeral for my father in law is still running in the background of my mind. There's a gentleness between me and my husband and children in the wake of this loss that I have not felt since the loss of my brother almost 16 years ago.

#today #griefislove #Gentleness #coffee #coffeetime #coffeethoughts

Last updated 2 years ago

Mary Lewis · @profmarylewis
459 followers · 139 posts · Server

26 years ago today this incredible person died. It feels like forever and yesterday.


Last updated 2 years ago

Jeffrey A. Ward · @JeffreyAWard
207 followers · 192 posts · Server

So much of my writing in the weeks & months after losing my grandfather was centered on trying to process that grief. Even though I spent quite a lot of time both thinking and writing about my grandfather, I never cried. Not once. After a while, that fact started to really worry me.
This is a post from my blog about how that was finally resolved:

#grief #griefislove #blog #writingastherapy

Last updated 2 years ago

Jeffrey A. Ward · @JeffreyAWard
192 followers · 163 posts · Server

This will be my third Christmas without my beloved grandfather, a loss that left a hero-sized hole in my life. After he passed in 2020 at the age of 97, I wrote the following as a bit of a eulogy, shared now in recognition of all of us who are approaching the holidays through the filter of grief.

My eulogy:

Me and my grandfather, Christmas 1972:

#grief #griefislove #griefattheholidays #eulogy #ww2veteran #herosizedhole

Last updated 2 years ago